Ruthless: not caring if you hurt or upset other people when you try to get what you want
Hitler was a ruthless dictator.

Chatty: Like to talk
I have very chatty friends.

Yonder: Referring to something far away.
Consider the yonder side of any issue before deciding.

Zilch: Nil.
Environmental concern is zilch these days

Contraption: a machine or device that appears strange
His shoes were strange contraptions bound in metal strips and leather ties

Excogitation: to think out carefully and fully.
He had four days a week in which to excogitate new methods of creating a fortune

Neologism: a new word, phrase or expression, or a new meaning of a familiar word
His style includes the employment of neologisms and irony

Gadgetry: a collection of small devices or machines with a particular purpose
The house, which was recently refurbished, has the latest in domestic gadgetry

Miniaturization: the process of making something very small using modern technology.
Technology has made it possible to miniaturize electronic circuits.

Obviousness: the fact of being easy to see or understand.
The problem was immediately obvious to everyone in the room

Divination: the skill or act of saying or discovering what will happen in the future
Do you include any form of divination in your daily practices?

Fabrication: the action or process of manufacturing or inventing something.
His story was a complete fabrication

Salubrious: clean and pleasant to live in
Fresh air and exercise are always salubrious