Obstacle: Something that blocks or hinders progress.
Sentence: The heavy rain was an obstacle to completing the outdoor race on time.

Adversity: Difficulties or misfortune.
Sentence: Despite the adversity she faced, Sarah managed to graduate with honors.

Hurdle: A difficulty or obstacle to overcome.
Sentence: Learning a new language can be a major hurdle for many students.

Struggle: To make a strenuous effort, often against difficulty.
Sentence: He struggled to balance work and studies but eventually found a routine that worked.

Setback: A reversal or delay in progress.
Sentence: After the setback in the project, the team worked harder to meet the new deadline.

Hardship: Severe suffering or deprivation.
Sentence: The family faced many hardships after losing their home in the fire.

Difficulty: A situation or condition that makes something hard to do.
Sentence: The difficulty of the exam was higher than expected, but most students passed.

Trial: A test or challenge, often difficult or trying.
Sentence: The trial of managing a new business was overwhelming at first, but she learned quickly.

Opposition: Resistance or dissent, often in the form of a challenge.
Sentence: The team faced strong opposition in the final match of the tournament.

Conflict: A serious disagreement or problem, often involving opposing forces.
Sentence: The conflict between the two countries escalated, causing widespread concern.

Burdens: Heavy responsibilities or problems.
Sentence: She felt the burden of caring for her sick parent while managing her own work.

Perseverance: Steady persistence in a course of action, despite difficulties.
Sentence: His perseverance through tough times earned him the respect of his colleagues.

Deterrent: A factor that discourages or prevents an action or decision.
Sentence: High fees acted as a deterrent for many applicants considering the program.

Endurance: The ability to endure hardship or stress over a prolonged period.
Sentence: His endurance during the marathon was impressive, finishing despite the extreme heat.