These days, migrating to first world nations has become a common trend either on student visa or work visa or permanent residency. But, at the same time, it is hard nut to crack to acquire good score in IELTS exam which is mandatory to clear if you have a dream of going abroad. That is why, today, we will discuss about some useful tips in order to avoid such kind of stumbling blocks in our article how to crack band scores in IELTS Reading and Listening: –
1. Acquire the information about all parameters: – IELTS modules mainly Speaking & Writing’s assessment is based on four parameters: such as
In writing –
1) Task Response or Task Achievement
2) lexical Resources
3) Grammatical Range & Accuracy
4) Coherence & Cohesion
In speaking: –
1) Pronunciation
2) Lexical Resources
3) Fluency
4) Grammatical Range & Accuracy
First of all, it is necessary to know the demand of each and every parameter, because after that you will be able to fulfil the demands of it, which definitely helps you to get good scoring. For that, you can take the help of professional trainers, while people have option to procure the knowledge from various online platforms, but there can be an issue of misleading or inappropriate refinement. So be sure, the information, that you want to acquire, should be accurate.
Some useful tips to ameliorate Reading:-
Generally, it is possible to obtain 9 out of 9 band scores, since these are completely based on tips and tricks. If we talk about reading, there are approximately 13-14 types of questions. There is no doubt, depth understanding is quite essential: nevertheless, knowing the all tips especially skimming along with scamming play a vital role in it. It is noteworthy to say that each type of question is attempted with different strategy plus tricks. We can not solve all questions in an identical manner. Apart from it, attempting at least one reading practice test per day is mandatory to crack the IELTS reading score, along with IELTS test givers should read extra English material whether it is newspaper or magazines or books or articles.
One more aspect, which can not be ignored, is that transfer your answers carefully on score sheet. There is no need to write the answers roughly on question sheet, this is to say that no extra time is given to transfer the answers. Apart from it, manage your time accordingly, as there is a condition to attempt 40 questions in an hour. As often students have to struggle in completing the reading test on time.
How to crack Listening Score in IELTS: –
Listening is considered one of the easier modules. Because often applicants get 9 out of 9 band scores. Because in the audio clip, answers are delivered by the speakers, but it depends upon the capability of listener whether he/she is able to catch those words, which can only be possible if they have good concentration power. Not only this, but also the second most important thing is utilization of correct spellings. Because if you are able to catch the answers correctly, but your spellings of these answers are inappropriate or wrong then it will affect your band scores badly, as wrong spellings are considered wrong answers. Therefore, to avoid such kind of difficulties, keep practice on daily basis and find out your lacks in order to cover.
Role of Grammar: –
Grammar plays an important role in IELTS: not only in Speaking & Writing, but also in Listening & Reading especially in Fill in the blanks in later one. Since you have to more focus on noun, verb as well as adverb to fill the answer.