Recognize the format of the test: There are 40 questions total across four sections of the IELTS Listening Test. There are six different kinds of questions in the Listening Module. You’ll find it easier to take the test if you understand the format, goals, and question kinds.
Play English Audio Samples: Try to grasp the information by listening to native English speakers without the aid of captions or subtitles. Make an effort to express or formulate your thoughts in English.
The Secret is to Communicate: The fastest approach to become fluent in a language is to converse. To become acquainted with the linguistic conventions and styles, make an effort to converse with your acquaintances who speak English. Make an effort to think, write, speak, and listen in English.
Get Acquainted with Accents: Get acquainted with a variety of accents prior to taking the test. Various accents, including British, Australian, New Zealand, American, and Canadian, are played on the Listening Test recordings. Speech patterns, cadences, and tone inflexions vary depending on the accent.
Acquire proficiency in pronouncing words correctly: Some inquiries require you to list words as they are spoken in the audio. In this instance, it is imperative that you speak each alphabet clearly. The letter “W,” for instance, is pronounced “double-U.”
Practice Being Precise: Make it a habit to take as many practice exams as you can. Respect the allotted time when taking practice exams. Try to complete the questions in the allotted time and avoid listening to the audio more than once.
Pay Close Attention to the Directions: Follow the exam instructions to the letter. Before starting the recording, carefully read all of the instructions. This will make it easier for you to find the solutions. You will waste time and marks if you answer without following directions.
Respect the word limit: Take note of each question set’s word limit. Observe the word limit if the instruction states, “Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS.” Answers that exceed the word limit will not be accepted.
Appropriate Timing Navigation: Make good use of your time. You will have dedicated time to read your questions, hear the audio response, and respond to them. Avoid devoting excessive attention to the same question. Inadequate time management will cause you to run out of time to respond to all the questions.
Handling Tough Questions: Since there are no negative points for IELTS Listening, it is advised that you answer every question. But if you are having problems responding to a question, just go on to the next one. Avoid wasting time on the same question and becoming anxious. Choose them later if you still have time.
Carefully read the questions: Before the recording starts, read the questions. You will also have time during the test to review your questions. Take a close look at each question and make a note of the keywords for later use.
Search for Keywords and Their Synonyms: Pay close attention to the audio and scan the question for any keywords or synonyms. For instance, the question can read “She is punctual” if the audio states, “She reaches on time.”
Avoid losing focus: It’s normal to lose focus when listening to something. Keep your eyes on the IELTS listening audio clip at all times; every detail matters. Try standing up straighter or extending your arms if you start to feel distracted.
Use Extra Transfer Time: You will have an additional 10 minutes to transfer your questions from the Listening booklet to the answer sheet if you are taking the IELTS on paper. But this isn’t accessible for IELTS on computer.
Seek Assistance If Needed: Ask the examiner for assistance if you experience any problems with the headphones or if the audio is not audible enough.