IDIOMS for IELTS – Part 32



IDIOMS for IELTS - Part 32

A hot potato- People talking about a current topic which cannot be agreed upon.

Sentence-The subject of Brexit is a hot potato.

IDIOMS for IELTS - Part 32

Give someone the benefit of the doubt-Believe what the person is or has said, until there is proof.

Sentence- Give him the benefit of the doubt, he may not have been there.

IDIOMS for IELTS - Part 32

Let sleeping dogs lie- Leave the situation as it is, do not get involved.

Sentence- Let sleeping dogs lie, you were not there so you cannot comment.

IDIOMS for IELTS - Part 32

Steal someone’s thunder- Take the credit for a situation that someone else deserves

Sentence- He stole his colleague’s thunder about doing an excellent job.

IDIOMS for IELTS - Part 32

Best of both words- A person has all the advantages of a given situation.

Sentence- They have the best of both words as they spend half the year in England. And the rest of the year in Switzerland.

IDIOMS for IELTS - Part 32

Don’t count your chickens before the eggs have hatched-  Do not plan something as the event may not occur.

Sentence- Don’t count your chickens before the eggs have hatched as the deal may not happen.

IDIOMS for IELTS - Part 32

It takes two to tango- Two or more people could be involved in a situation.

Sentence- It takes two to tango, so there are more people involved in the problem in the firm than you think. 

IDIOMS for IELTS - Part 32

Your guess is as good as mine- A person does not know the answer.

Sentence- Your guess is as good as mine as to where they both went last night.

IDIOMS for IELTS - Part 32

See eye to eye- To agree with someone else on a subject.

Sentence- We see eye to eye on how to progress the matter further.

IDIOMS for IELTS - Part 32

A picture paints a thousand words- To make a presentation to visually show what you want to do or achieve.

Sentence- The picture painted a thousand words of how he thought the firm should develop.

IDIOMS for IELTS - Part 32

Catch someone off guard- To catch someone by surprise.

Sentence- He was caught off guard when they asked him to be the new chairman.

IDIOMS for IELTS - Part 32

Hear it on the grapevine- To hear rumours about a person or an event which may or may not have happened.

Sentence- She heard it on the grapevine that he had been promoted.

IDIOMS for IELTS - Part 32

Get down to business- To get the meeting started properly.

Sentence-  As every member of the team is now here, we can get down to business and start the meeting.

IDIOMS for IELTS - Part 32

Back to square one- To go back to the beginning and start again.

Sentence- The project was not good enough.  We need to go back to square one and start again.

IDIOMS for IELTS - Part 32

Fifty fifty- To divide something equally i.e. to divide in half.

Sentence- Divide the cakes fifty fifty.

IDIOMS for IELTS - Part 32

Go the extra mile- To do more than is expected of you

Sentence- He went the extra mile to ensure everything was finished on time.

IDIOMS for IELTS - Part 32

On the same page- Two people are in agreement about a situation.

Sentence- We are on the same page as to how to take the situation forward now.

IDIOMS for IELTS - Part 32

Don’t rock the boat- Do not cause a problem or make an issue.

Sentence- Don’t rock the boat about the costs of the project.

IDIOMS for IELTS - Part 32

Don’t upset the apple cart- Rather like don’t rock the boat, do not make a fuss.

Sentence- Don’t upset the apple cart by making a scene.

IDIOMS for IELTS - Part 32

The sky’s the limit- A person can achieve anything they want.

Sentence-   The sky’s the limit, work hard and you will progress to the top of the firm.

IDIOMS for IELTS - Part 32

Take the bull by the horns- Deal with the problem.

Sentence- Take the bull by the horns, you must sort out the major problems.

IDIOMS for IELTS - Part 32

In the black- The business is earning money and making a profit.

Sentence- Finally, the business is in the black as we have had a good year and made more profits than we thought we would make.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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