Go the extra mile – Do some extra effort
Sentence: He’s a nice guy, always ready to go the extra mile for his friends.

Sit in the fence – Yet to be decided
Sentence: You can’t sit on the fence any longer – you have to decide whose side you’re on.

Throw in the towel – Leave and give up
Sentence: She was ready to throw in the towel, but remembered her goal and kept going.

Absence makes the heart go fonder – Appreciate someone’s presence for being away for a while
Sentence: My mother always waits for dad to come back from his overseas trips, absence does make the heart grow fonder

Better late than never – Do something rather than not do it
Sentence: I know that it took me weeks to send the letter, but better late than never.

Birds of a feather – People in accord tend to spend time together more.
Sentence: I noticed that all of the people in the book club are birds of a feather.

Free lunch – Everything has a hidden cost
Sentence: It may seem like a free lunch, but your tax dollars are still paying for it.

Patience is the key – Good things come to those who wait
Sentence: It is always to be said that the patience is the key to success because the fruit of patience is always sweeter than any fruit.

Fresh as a daisy – Something which is fresh and clean
Sentence: After a good night’s sleep I’ll be as fresh as a daisy.

A bad egg – Someone who is not trustworthy.
Sentence: This an unnervingly compassionate portrait of a truly bad egg.Full of beans – To be highly active and healthy