Learning vocabulary is a significant aspect of acquiring a language. Your ability to express your needs, ideas, thoughts, and feelings to others in English will improve as you acquire more vocabulary in the language.
It need vocabulary to understand as well. Actually, one of the most important things you can do to get better at reading and listening is to pick up new vocabulary.
What can you do, then, to efficiently and rapidly increase your vocabulary in English? Here are 5 suggestions for improving vocabulary acquisition.
1. Make a list of new words.
Writing down the words improves your memory of them. In addition, a lot of people learn better by seeing information written down as opposed to merely hearing it.
You can include a drawing, an explanation in English, and a translation into your native tongue, or a pronunciation guide! The better, the more connections you can draw between the word and its meaning.
2. Consistently review new vocabulary
You have a notepad filled with useful terminology in English that you need to remember. However, did you know that you only recall 20–25 percent of the new words and phrases you’ve studied if you don’t review them? What a startling waste of time and energy it is!
The good news is that you can ensure that all of the information you acquire is stored in your long-term memory by reviewing your notes again after an hour, the following day, and a few days later.
Thus, set aside five minutes every day to review your vocabulary in English. You move forward more quickly the farther backward you look!
3. Read in English
Immersion, or spending time entirely surrounded by a language, is said to be the most effective method of language learning.
Reading is, after all, like living within your own imagination!
Reading generally improves your English greatly. However, it’s very beneficial for picking up new terminology. This is due to the fact that learning a new word within a narrative renders it far more memorable than attempting to memorize a list of terms isolated from their context.
4. Contextual learning
Let’s discuss more about context now that it comes up. ‘Context’ literally refers to the language that appears both before and after a word. It also describes the context in which a word is employed.
For the purpose of acquiring new language, context is your friend! It assists you in deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words, illustrates how a word is employed in a phrase, and prolongs your memory of the word.
This indicates that reading and listening are more efficient ways to learn vocabulary than trying to memorize word lists. It also implies that noting a word alone is not as useful as noting a word’s usage in a sentence.
For example, instead of ‘to make up = to invent’, try learning, ‘He’d totally made the story up!’. You’ve got useful information there – about the meaning, the types of things people ‘make up’ and the word order.
5. Use it or lose it!
Sticking to the ‘use it or lose it’ theory, the greatest approach to ensure that you remember things is to use words. Therefore, whenever you can, either speaking or writing in English, consider incorporating new words.
Have you noticed that when you communicate in English, you frequently need to utilize the same words and phrases? It is well worth the effort to practice the terms that are most frequently used and beneficial to you.
According to research, a word must be seen or heard ten times on average in order for you to remember it. However, you pick up a term far more quickly when you actively try to use it, like when you ask the person you’re speaking to how to say something.
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