Brain drain: a loss of trained professional personnel to another company, nation, etc., capitalism
Sentence: Nothing has been done to stop the brain drain as more and more doctors move away from the area.
Consumerism: the protection or promotion of the interests of consumers.
Sentence: Bottled water very clearly reflects the wasteful and reckless consumerism in this country.
Deregulation: the process of removing government controls or rules from a business or other activity:
Sentence: There were alarming increases in costs following deregulation of the wholesale electricity market.
Fair trade: an agreement between countries that trade with each other that they will not charge tax on imports from the other country or countries
Sentence: The charity says that fair trade brings a better standard of living for poor farmers in developing countries.
Interdependence: the dependence of two or more people or things on each other.
Sentence: Marriage creates a state of interdependence between spouses.
Multilateral: involving more than two groups or countries:
Sentence: Seven countries are taking part in the multilateral talks.
Offshoring: the practice of basing a business or part of a business in a different country
Sentence: She claimed that offshoring was the only way for most companies to grow to a significant size.
Privatisation: the transfer of a business, industry, or service from public to private ownership and control.
Sentence: “the workers are opposing the privatization of the national rail company”
Protectionism: the actions of a government to help its country’s trade or industry by taxing goods bought from other countries
Sentence: They oppose industrial policy, nationalisation and protectionism
Standardisation: the process of making things of the same type have the same basic features:
Sentence: The standardization of military pensions and disability payments also contributed to recruiting efforts.
Sweatshop: workplace in which workers are employed at low wages and under unhealthy or oppressive conditions.
Sentence: Her rapid rise from sweatshop worker to society portraitist is miraculous.
Transnational: extending or operating across national boundaries.
Sentence: The economic and political power of such transnational corporations is probably too great.