Ecology – the relationship between animals, plants, people and their environment in a particular area, or the study of this.
Sentence – ben studied the coastal ecology of lundy island in his final year at university.
Habitat – the natural home or environment of an animal, plant or other organism.
Sentence – the loss of their natural habitat through deforestation is a serious
threat to the orang utan in borneo.
Inhabit – to live in a certain place.
Sentence – the rainforest is inhabited by many different species of monkey.
Natural surroundings – the habitat in which a species would naturally live.
Sentence – the best thing about going on safari is seeing the animals in their natural surroundings rather than caged up in a zoo.
To adapt – to change or adjust in response to new conditions.
Sentence – with the loss of large areas of countryside to housing development, foxes have had to adapt to living in towns.
To evolve – change or develop gradually.
Sentence – scientists now believe that humans evolved from apes.
Evolution – the process by which living things slowly change and develop over a long period of time.
Sentence – the theory of evolution states that all life on earth today evolved over millions of years from simple organisms.
Thrive – to grow and develop well or quickly.
Sentence – the leopard seal is well adapted to the cold and thrives in the fish-rich waters of the arctic.
Marine – related to or found in the sea.
Sentence – marine wildlife is badly affected by the amount of plastic waste in our oceans.
Nocturnal – active at night.
Sentence – almost all species of bats are nocturnal, preferring to hunt or search for food at night rather than during the day.
Migrate – to move from one region or habitat to another, usually when the season changes.
Sentence – many birds migrate south to warmer climates in the winter.
Extinction – being completely destroyed so that it no longer exists.
Sentence – the dodo, a flightless bird once found in mauritius, was hunted to extinction by 1681.