BEST Vocabulary Words for IELTS – 492

Tenseness: the physical condition of being stretched or strained
Sentence: There was an underlying tenseness in his manner.

Sentimentality: the quality of being falsely emotional in a maudlin way
Sentence: there are passages which verge on sentimentality

Nostalgia: a longing for something past
Sentence: Some people feel nostalgia for their schooldays.
Vocabulary Words for IELTS

Isolation: the act of setting something apart from others
Sentence: isolation from family and friends may also contribute to anxiety

Infatuation: a foolish and usually extravagant passion or love
Sentence: “he had developed an infatuation with the girl”
Vocabulary Words for IELTS

Hysteria: state of violent mental agitation
Sentence: I have a tendency to put these things in the class of mass hysteria

Hostility: a state of deep-seated ill-will
Sentence: They showed open (= obvious) hostility to/towards their new neighbours.

Malice: the wish to harm or upset other people:
Sentence: There certainly wasn’t any malice in her comments.
Vocabulary Words for IELTS

Pessimism: a tendency to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst
will happen.
Sentence: “the dispute cast an air of deep pessimism over the future of the peace talks”