In IELTS reading module test , there exist a total of 14 question types which you need to understand properly and have their strategies pn tips if you desire a good band score. The types are listed below:
Matching headings
Paragraph selection
True false not given
Multiple choice questions
Summary completion
Diagram labelling
Matching sentence endings
Matching features
Sentence completion
Short answer questions
Flow chart Completion
Note completion
Yes no not given
Table completion
Out of these types, this article would focus on matching sentence endings , considered to be one of the most tricky and complex category. First of all let’s have a look on what this type is all about:
In the IELTS academic reading matching sentence endings question type, you will be provided with two lists in addition to the reading passage. One would comprise of a list of incomplete sentences, and the other with a list of alternatives. All you need to do is read the incomplete sentence first and choose the correct alternative that makes it complete according to the passage. In IELTS Academic Reading, this question type is frequently asked.
The questions and the information given are in the same order to eliminate any confusion. After you have chosen an option, don’t forget to read the entire sentence to make sure it sounds grammatically accurate. To perform efficiently in this question, you can practice subject-verb agreement, noun & pronoun, and all.
Tips and strategies
Matching sentence endings are given to identify whether you can understand the main ideas within a sentence. Therefore the basic skills and tisp required are as follows:
Read and understand the question carefully: The first step is to read the complete question and understand it thoroughly.
Focus on keywords from the question part: As soon as you read the question underline the main keywords and information such as names of places, people, dates and focus on them while finding location.
Rephrasing and Synonyms: always try to look for some synonyms or other words for the keywords that you have found in your question so that you can easily locate them.
Recognise grammatical structures: You should also look for grammatical structures like tenses and form of sentence as the endings would also most probably follow the same rules. It would help you to easily find answers.
Understanding the main ideas within a sentence: Next part is to focus on main idea or demand like what even is the sentence demonstrating, what type of information is left to be there in the next part of the sentence. For instance, if question ends with because, it means that perhaps you have to find the reason.
Predict the ending before looking at the options available: Try to figure out yourself and predict what the answer can be after reading data at the location before going for the options to be sure and clear.
Ensure the sentence makes sense while reading it: When you complete the sentence and match an option, make sure it’s grammatically accurate and makes sense while complementing each other.
Lastly, when left with few questions and options try to find the location with the help of options if you’re unable to do it through questions.
So next time you do sentence endings try to follow these steps and methods to easily locate your answers and find correct options.
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