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BEST Speaking IELTS Interview, 13th December

What is your full name?
My name is Rituhk Hubli.
How may I address you?
You may address me as Rituhk.
May I see your ID?
Sure, here you go.
Do you like to smile?
I love it! I have traveled extensively and seen that some other cultures smile more than others. When someone smiles, it brings me positive energy and instantly improves my mood. With this said, I have taken it upon myself to smile as much as possible to give others a warm feeling.
Speaking IELTS Interview
How often do you smile?
As much as possible! I’ve noticed that even when I’m having a bad day, a smile or laugh always helps. So, I try to smile whenever I meet or pass someone, as well as after a bad day.
Do you smile when you are having your picture taken?
Yes, I do! Although I prefer a more serious look for my selfies which shows off my bone structure more, I always smile in a group photo. Actually, sometimes I can’t help but to smile because I am having such a good time!
When do people smile to others?
In many different cases, but I would say usually when they make eye contact with someone or to people in their workplace. In my country, people usually don’t smile at everyone on the streets because that person may suspect us of wanting something from them.
Speaking IELTS Interview
Can you sense (or feel, or tell) if someone’s smile is fake?
Yes, I can! I can sense a fake smile but how much it looks forced. When someone’s smile is fake, they smile with just their mouth instead of their eyes. With this said, you can always tell a genuine smile by the eyes.
Describe a person you know who speaks a foreign language well.
You should say:
– who this person is
– what language(s) they know
– what he/she uses this language (or, these languages) for
and explain why you think they (he/she) learned it well.
Speaking IELTS Interview
In this case, I would like to talk about myself. I consider myself a forever language learner. It all started when I first began taking Spanish classes when I was 19 years old. Actually, I had always thought of languages as a foreign language code that I would never be able to master. However, I proved myself wrong, now seeing that I have a knack for languages. I’m now proficient in Vietnamese, Mandarin, English, and Portuguese!
First and foremost, I decided to learn these languages out of interest. Second of all, they benefit my future, creating a window of opportunity. Speaking of Spanish in particular, I chose to pursue it because there is a large Latin American community in my city. Since I work in Marketing, it is extremely valuable to be able to reach a wider scope (range) of people. Other than just to boost my career, I simply enjoy the sound of the language! Lastly, I’ve always been attracted to Latino men so I wanted to able to communicate with them!
Speaking IELTS Interview
First of all, I learned this language well because I’ve always been dedicated to practicing. Furthermore, since I had the opportunity to go abroad (to another country) to Argentina and Costa Rica, I was able to put what I’ve studied to use. Immersing yourself in the country is extremely beneficial. From this, I picked up countless local slangs and improved my pronunciation and speaking skills. For the times I haven’t been abroad, I’ve always practiced at home and found language exchange groups to keep up my skill. All in all, it just takes practice!
Is learning a new language important?
I would definitely say so. I feel that we better ourselves through each language we learn. For example, there is concrete evidence that language strengthens our cognitive (brain) abilities and problem-solving. Since I began my language studies, I feel that my memory has become much stronger and that I’m able to solve puzzles better.
Speaking IELTS Interview
Furthermore, I’ve gained a greater understanding of my own native language! Second of all, language creates countless more opportunities for work and travel! Especially with English and Spanish we can travel to a wide range of countries. By being able to expand your customer base, you can achieve more business success. Furthermore, through languages you can discover a new culture, which makes you more open-minded, tolerant, empathetic, and adaptable, among other things.
What benefits for one’s career does knowledge of foreign languages bring?
Endless! In this globalizing world, it’s becoming a necessity to know at least one foreign language. Needless to say, English is the language of the world, so this is the most important one to learn to be able to communicate with the entire world. Behind these, I would say that Spanish and Mandarin are extremely useful, as well. By being able to communicate with more of the world’s population, you create opportunities to expand your business.
Speaking IELTS Interview
On the other hand, since languages are proven to increase your cognitive functions and puzzle-solving skills, one who speaks more than one language may have stronger problem-solving skills in their career. Furthermore, since many language learners have lived or spent time abroad, they tend to be more adaptable and culturally understanding. All in all, it’s just a win-win to study other languages.

Speaking IELTS Interview