BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th September

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th September


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th September
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 26th September



What is your full name?

My name is Khushkaran Singh.

Can I see you ID?

Here is my passport.

Where do you come from?

I come from India originally, but I have been staying here in Canada for the last six months.

Do you work or study?

I am a student at the moment. I am studying Executive Master of Business Administration. I used to work as an operation manager for Future Group Limited in India.

Are you a morning or an afternoon person? Why?

I am not a morning guy for sure; I wake up reasonably early as per my standard at around 7 in the morning. I dillydally (=waste time) – read the newspaper, chat with friends on whatsapp or Facebook, have my breakfast and listen to music. This whole bunch of activities takes around one hour or so. Then I take a long, steamy shower because I’ve a profound (=intense) love of cleanliness. Thus, I can term myself as an afternoon person.

Did you enjoy your high school? Why?

Yes, I suppose I did. Those were the best days of my life. We were young, restless and mischievous; I didn’t pay much attention on my studies. I spent my time more on playing than studying, participated in all kinds of games always. Frankly speaking, I didn’t like taking exams at the end of the year.

What was your favorite subjects? Why?

 Mathematic (Math) was my favorite subject. I was always brilliant at Calculus. My father always discussed the magic of numbers and would do some arithmetic sum, and show me it’s magic. I like this subject because it was filled with fun; only you have to remember and practice important elements/equations, and your job is done! Unlike other subjects – in which I always struggled – Math was easy. I yet remember important learning of trigonometry, theorem, equation, factor, denomination, rational number and so forth.

What subject learnt in school was helpful later in life? Why?

I would say every course (subject) taught me something or the other. The variety of courses made my personality and career whole. Today I could research things on Science, think logically by applying Math or write an impressive report using the international languages such as English. Two courses that are yet useful in my career are Math and English language. As mentioned earlier, I am a Software Engineer and these both courses are handy to make my job smoother and easier.


Describe an article on health that you read from a magazine or online

– What the article was

– When and where you reedit

– What you learned from the article

– Explain why you think it is a good or bad article


Well, there is no denying that the habit of reading is one of the best qualities that a person can process. It is not only useful in getting knowledge about different aspect however it also alleviates stress.

Being a bookworm, I read different kinds of articles either in newspapers or internet. However, here I would like to talk about an article that I read through an online blog written by Miss Pawandeep.

Last Sunday, I was suffering the internet then suddenly I came across an article. The title of this article was very eye-catching. It was to” eat well and live healthily”. I could not stop myself to read it. I immediately clicked on that link and opened this article.

This article had really good content about the sedentary lifestyle and well-balanced diet. This article opened my eyes that to become healthier, just do a few changes in our day to day life. I came to know about breakfast is a really important meal of the day. We should have a healthy and rich breakfast and try to never skip this meal. It helps to boost our immunity and helps us to go through the day with full energy. This article explained a full healthy diet plan for a day.

For instance, we should start our day to drink lukewarm water. Secondly, we should eat  meals instead of three meals. It also said that walking for an hour in a day is good as a workout in a gym. She also suggested to people to cut their intake of fast food and replace it with nutritious and healthy food items.

Honestly speaking, I found this article was quite informative and suggestions of her reasonable and approachable. Since then, morning walk has become a part of my daily routine life. I shared this article with my near and dear ones. Overall, this was an article which I read through the internet and found very informative

All in all, this was the eye-catching article about fitness which I found interesting.


Why do different people like to read different magazine?

Different people like to read different magazines because their interests are different. Magazines cater to specific fields. Those who love sports read sports magazines, such as Sports Today; those who like fashion, read fashion magazines, such as Vogue; those interested in film celebrities, read magazines like Stardust and Film Fare.

What kind of magazines do teenagers like to read?

Teenagers like to read sports and fashion magazines.

What’s the difference between news on TV and news in magazines?

The major difference is that news in magazines is the detailed news of the past week or the past fortnight or the past month depending on whether the magazine is weekly or fortnightly or monthly.

Do people like to read news from the Internet?

Young people like to read news from the Internet. They are tech savvy. They can read any newspaper from any corner of the world. E-paper is also environmentally friendly.

Do people still buy magazines in your country?

Yes, they do. Magazines cater to special fields. Those interested in sports buy sports magazines, those interested in home-making buy magazines like Women’s Era and Sarita.


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