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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 28th June

What is your full name?
My name is Trew Roz.
How may I address you?
You may address me as Trew.
May I see your identification?
Sure, here is my passport.
Do you have many friends?
Yes, I have many friends, but only a few close friends.
How often do you talk to your friends?
I talk to my friends every day. By best friend is also my neighbour. We are together most of the time.
IELTS Speaking
How do you think makes people have a long friendship?
Mutual understanding makes people have a long friendship. If people can tolerate each other’s shortcomings and be simple and straight forward, then friendship can be for a long time.
Does it make things easier in a friendship if you have similar interests?
Yes, definitely. With similar interests friends can spend time together and not get bored. They will also have similar topics for discussion. In a lasting friendship it is very essential that your likes and dislikes are similar.
How do people make friends now?
Now a days, people make friends through the internet, by joining social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp.
Do you think we meet new people differently now than in the past?
Yes, definitely. Nowadays, we meet new people through the internet, by joining social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp. Earlier, people had lots of free time and they made friends by meeting personally.
IELTS Speaking
Any game you like to play in stadium or playground
– What kind of game or sport it is
– Who you play it with
– Where you play it
– And explain why you enjoy playing it.
I don’t play any games at the moment, because I don’t have the time or opportunity for it. It is very difficult for you to play a game once you get out of your school or college. There are very few playgrounds for the public in our area. May be, I will talk about the game I played when I was in college. I was very interested in soccer, and I played in the forward line. We usually played in the evening when the sun was not very warm and that saved a lot of our energy.
Football requires a great deal of running and if it is very hot it is difficult to play. But even the scorching heat of the summer months did not deter us at times. I remember I was two shades darker than I am now because of the tan I got while playing in the sun. I usually played with my college mates. We would break into two teams and sometimes the numbers would vary from seven to twelve, depending on the number of people who were interested in playing the game. It always used to be great fun to be play with your mates in a very friendly atmosphere.
Since everybody knew each other there were hardly any rough plays. Everybody enjoyed the spirit of the game. We played in the football ground, just in front of our college. It was quite a big ground and so we had to run around a lot, but that gave us a lot of physical fitness. I enjoyed playing soccer because there was a thrill in scoring goals and winning. We kept improving with every game and that gave us a great deal of motivation and competitive spirit. Even during the day, when we were not playing we kept thinking about the game. So it was great fun and I always waited for the evenings to play soccer.
IELTS Speaking
What is the difference between playing sports on your own and playing sports in the group?
Solo sports teach us competition. Where does a team sport teach us competition and cooperation both. Through team sports we learn working in a group and we also learn sportsman spirit, which is very important nowadays.
Do children need to exercise?
Yes, children need to exercise. As it is childhood obesity is a big problem nowadays. We are all leading sedentary lives. So exercise is very important especially for children.
Why do people need to play sports?
People need to play sports because we all need exercise in our lives, I’m sports is a fun way to get that exercise. Secondly, we learn important virtues of life through sports. We learn competition and cooperation.
IELTS Speaking