BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 27th July

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 27th July


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 27th July
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 27th July



What is your full name?

My name is Dikhshima Radha.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Dikhshima.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here you go.

Do you like amusement parks?

I love them! I think they are something that all ages can enjoy. I still feel just as excited about them now as I did when I was a child. There’s nothing like the feeling of your stomach dropping on a rollercoaster.

How often do you go to amusement parks?

Not very often anymore, maybe once every few years. However, in the past, we used to go every year. Nowadays, we go every few years. We’re planning on going to Six Flags this October for Halloween, actually. They always have a special event there with haunted houses and costumes!

What do you usually do at amusement parks?

Rides, eat at concession stands, go swimming, and wait in line for a long time! My favorite rides are roller coasters and water rides, especially on hot days. For example, I love the log flume ride where you get a huge splash at the end. Moreover, I love the wave pools and lazy rivers.

What kinds of things make you tired?

I’m generally a lethargic person, so I tend to get tired easily. I usually start to feel sleepy when I sit in a boring lecture and work in an office. Moreover, I tend to feel tired when I eat too much or drink alcohol.

What do you do when you feel tired?

Sometimes I decide to fight it with a cup of coffee or another form of caffeine, or I simply surrender and take a nap. However, when I take a nap, I tend to sleep for too long and feel even more tired afterwards, so it’s better to fight through my fatigue.


Describe a singer that you like.

You should say:

– Who the person is

– How you know the person

– What songs the singer sings

– And explain why you like the person


I would like to talk about one of my favorite singers, Sam Smith. He is a British singer and songwriter who have become popular in my lifetime. He is famed for his mellifluous voice and quality of his song lyrics, which are often romantic and soulful.

Thinking back, I remember the first song I heard from him was “Latch”, circa 2013. I remember my roommate was playing it in her car and I asked who the singer was and decided to look him up. Ever since that day, I just fell in love with him. He constantly has new hits out on the pop radio stations! His songs are just super catchy.

I would consider his music to be a mix of soul and pop. I think he started as a soul singer, but his music has transformed into being more of a pop genre. I really like his music because there is always a good beat to it, and the lyrics speak to me on a deep level, causing me to feel emotional and identify with current dilemmas I’m facing. I like that some of his songs are more for dancing, while others are more deep and romantic. All in all, he is extremely talented and has a wide range. Sam Smith has a voice that really leaves a mark on you. I just love him!


What kinds of music are popular in your country?

A wide range! Nowadays with youngsters, EDM music is all the rage. Besides that, pop music, hip hop, alternative, and country are types of music that you hear most often on the radio. For example, my parents’ generations still sticks with their southern rock style of music, such as ACDC. Of all the music from the past, 80’s American music seems to be played on the radio the most often.

Do singers make lots of money?

Of course! Singers are some of the richest people in the world. However, I imagine that their pay may be cut due to the increase in Youtube, Spotify, Pandora, and the like instead of buying the records at stores. However, our generation idolizes celebrities, so they make incomparable profits from their social media posts, concerts, and just pure talent.

What do you think makes a song become popular?

Definitely by how catchy it is, for one. Also, how well the artist markets themselves. If they constantly get their songs into the Top 40, their songs will be heard by the entire world. Lastly, of course, the artist needs to talented and have something that makes their songs stand out from the others, such as by having a lovely voice, good beat, etc.


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