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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 8th June

What is your full name?
My name is Rama Puri.
How may I address you?
You may address me as Rama.
May I see your identification?
Sure, here it is.
What kind of entertainment do you prefer, TV or radio?
I like both. When I am free, then I watch TV at home, but I prefer to listen to the radio while travelling and when I am going to sleep.
How are radio programs and television programs different?
The main difference is that we can only listen to radio programs, but we can enjoy the video and audio while watching TV. Another difference is, a person can do other things while listening to Radio programs, but it is not easy while watching TV. Last but not least, most radio channels are free, but to watch TV programs, we have to subscribe to the channel, which is expensive compared to the radio.
What programs do you like to listen/watch?
I love to watch movies and some comedy shows on TV, and I want to listen to Punjabi songs on the radio. Q. When do you watch TV/ listen to the radio? A. I watch TV programs at night for two hours and listen to radio programs while travelling and while doing household chores.
Do you prefer TV news or news on the radio?
Well, I like both; I mean to say I watch the news when I am at home, but I prefer to hear news on the radio while travelling or driving.
What are some of the disadvantages of television?
Well, everything has some drawbacks, along with some benefits. So the TV’s main problem is that it affects the eyes if a person continuously watches TV, his/ her eye side will be weak. Another problem is that it also affects people’s work. When people are interested in TV programs, they stop working while watching their favourite program, which is not good.
Describe an argument two of your friends had.
You should say
– When it happened?
– What it was about?
– How it was solved?
– How you felt about it?
Arguments are a very common part of life. But I think most arguments can still be avoided. Recently, India faced the second coronavirus wave. As the numbers were rising, my friends and I were discussing whether a lockdown should be imposed.
One of my friends, Ravi believed that a stringent lockdown was the only solution to bring down the cases. He was very adamant that lockdown should be imposed without any delay. However, one of my other friends, Vishal believed that lockdowns don’t help. He said that lockdowns lead to huge loss to the economy and under no circumstances governments should go for a lockdown or a curfew. At first, it started out in a very calm manner.
We were all discussing the issue, but eventually only they were the ones talking and we just sat there listening. They both started with facts and counters. As the argument continued, both of their voices went up. We told them to calm down, but at this point, they were so engrossed that they didn’t listen. Eventually, they came down to personal attacks rather than talking about the need for a lockdown.
Actually later we came to know that Ravi had lost his uncle due to coronavirus and he sincerely believed that he could have been saved if the government had announced a lockdown. Vishal was adamant because his family had suffered huge losses in the last lockdown.
They had been both affected by the issue personally and that’s why they were so emotional about it. In the end, we told them that their discussion would not have any impact on the matter so it was a moot point arguing about it.
But, on that day, I also thought that it would be a very difficult decision for the government to take. The real end to the argument when the cases rose sharply and eventually the government was forced to impose a lockdown.
Do you think arguments are important?
Arguments have become an essential part of our life because they help us to clarify our thoughts. Arguments change people’s points of view or persuade people to a particular action or behaviour.
What do family members generally argue about?
Families often argue about topics related to major and even minor events. Such as selecting a holiday destination. sibling argues for their clothes and other accessories. Older adults are mostly arguing for politician parties, mean which is good.
Is it easier for you to have arguments with your friends or your family members?
A parent’s job is to look out for you and keep you safe. Remember that they don’t want to make things difficult for you. but they want to make sure that you understand their perspective. So it hard to argue with parents because they have much experience and do not continue the argument with them for a long time. On the other hand. arguments with friends are easy because we are a similar age group. and most have a similar thinking level.
Do you think people should change the way they think when they have arguments?
Arguments means — where tension starts to rise. responses start to get personal. and you go around in circles without getting anywhere. I think people should change the way they feel when they have arguments. People should listen to another person properly before putting his/her points in front of him/her. People should speak in a very decent way so that they do not cross their limits and reach a particular conclusion.