BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 4th August

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 4th August


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 4th August
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 4th August



What is your full name ? What should I call you?
My name is ……. Ankit Bhardwaj. You can simply call me ANKIT.

Can I see your ID?
Sure …. Please.

Tell me something about your family?
Well….. I belong to a simple, small and nuclear family. I am living with adorable parents and two small sisters. All coordinate with one another and live happily. I must say God has blessed me with “A CLOSE KNIT FAMILY”

What do you like doing most with your family?
I like to have long meals, amusement, fun and frolic, would like to tease my sisters, sharing griefs and sorrows with them. These is a common saying – “The family which eats together, lives together and laughs together is truly a close knit family.”

Who are close to you in your family?
Well… I am very close to my mother, “A true picture of maternity”. She cooks what I wish to eat. She loves and teaches me what is good or bad for me. She is really a very virtuous lady with the blend of passionate feelings of a child. I wish to salute this real role model and admire this wonderful creation of God on this planet.

In what way is your family important to you?
My family is everything to me. My family members are my best friends and they support me in every real challenge of my life. I know they are always with me, no matter what. They are not only my best friends, but we truly are tied with strong bonds of respect, unity and strength. That’s why I used to say my family is my real earned wealth and strength.

What are the best ways to utilise your free time?
A ‘Hobby a day keeps the doldrums away.’ So the best way to utilise your free time is to get completely involved in doing which you like the most. It is really beneficial for everyone to cultivate a suitable hobby to help in the proper channelization of free time.

Do people have more free time now than in the past?
It’s really quite ironical to say, as we are living in the gadgetry and luxurious world where labour saving machines, such as washing machines and dishwashers are prevailing yet people are too busy in the rat race of earning and spending money. They don’t have time to spend with their relations. But in the past, almost all the work was done manually, still people had time to eat and laugh together.

What is the impact of leisure activities on society?
The impact of leisure activities on the society is spectacular. It becomes a pattern or style of living for the entire society. Everyone follows the same pattern of living and they coordinate their lives accordingly. They can plan their schedules and programmes as per each other’s conveniences.

How do you usually contact your friends?
Well… I usually get very less time to contact my friends, but I always try my every level best to call them or chat with them online.

Are friends as important to you as your family?
Friends and family, both are invaluable and no doubt, both act as a four-leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have…

Do you think friendships change as we get older? V
Very true. Gone are those days when friends used to truly love each other. Nowadays, fake friendships are in the air via various technological advancements like the Facebook or Twitter. Nobody remembers his/her childhood friends.

Whom do you call best friend?
According to my opinion, a Best Friend is much beyond roaming together and sharing good moments. It is about friendship with someone who comes to rescue you from the worst phase of life. Friendship with your best friend is eternal.


Talk about ‘Smart Skills’

You should say:

What are smart skills
– Why it is necessary
– How one can enhance their smart skills and – explain where you can apply them the smart skills


We all are living in the corporate world and if you want an entrepreneurial success in this world only Smart skills or Soft skills help you to remain in the market. Smart skills or Soft Skills like leadership, decision-making, conflict resolution, negotiation, communication, creativity and presentation skills are essential for entrepreneurial success and for maximizing human capital in any enterprise. When balanced with a good management team and an effective human resource management system, soft skills provide a way to get the highest return on the investment in terms of human capital. While professional skills may open the door of opportunity, soft skills keep you in the driver’s seat.

According to my opinion the six steps of soft skills are No. 1 Be clear and confident about what you want, No. 2. Be aware of what is going on around you and inside you, No. 3. Have empathy for one another No. 4. Appreciate what you have and what others bring No. 5. Know your limits and stretch beyond them No. 6. Let go off what does not work. Apart from this, an entrepreneur should also focus on Appreciation for others roles, Teamwork as a key to success, Focus on Outcomes and Process, Continuous Learning, etc. These skills really make you a good earner.


What type of presentation skills is required in the corporate world?
An entrepreneur doesn’t know how to present himself/herself in the corporate world is not eligible to survive in the corporate world. There are — presentation skills like good voice articulation, etiquette and manners to presentation act of public speaking and conversational skills, logical and artificial skills on the of entrepreneur, update knowledge about the business world etc.

Do you think English Language is the basic requirement for learning any soft and smart skills?
Yes of course, day by day the English language is expanding its horizons in our daily life. More and more people in different countries are understanding its importance and utility. Moreover, if you know this language, you can go to the major countries of the world and communicate with people there for the purpose of study, business, sightseeing, job seeking, etc.

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