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BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 15th July

What is your full name?
My name is Bansalani Garg.
Can I see your ID?
Yes, Sir. With pleasure, this is my passport.
Where are you from?
I’m from Delhi.
What kind of social networking websites do you like to use?
I mostly use the Facebook website for social networking. These days all the social networking sites have an app that we can install and use on our phones, so I don’t usually visit the websites. I use my cell phone apps.
Are you a social person?
I am not a very social person. However, I have a good social circle of friends. I like to meet them at least once in two-three months.
What kinds of people do you like to be friends with on those websites?
On those websites, I only have friends whom I already know or whom I know through someone. I do not make new friends on such websites.
Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking website?
No, it is not at all easy to find real friends on social networking websites. People make fake ids, with fake information and dupe people.
What kind of chatting app or software do Indian people like to use?
Indian people like to use chatting apps like, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Hike, V-chat, Viber, etc.
What kind of exercises you do?
I like to do all kinds of exercise like weight training at the gym, running for cardio exercise and yoga for stretching and meditation.
Do you think children should play sports regularly?
Yes children should regularly play sports at it helps them in staying active and healthy. It is also a good break from their monotonous study routine.
What was the favourite sport when you were young?
My favourite sport was cricket when I was young, it is also my favourite sport now. I remember I used to play cricket continuously for 5 to 6 hours during my holidays. Batting was my favorite part in cricket.
Do you like extreme sports?
Yes I like extreme and adventure sports such as Formula 1 racing, sky diving and deep sea diving. It is thrilling to watch these sports on television. I would also like to try these sports one day
What kinds of exercises are popular in your country?
In my country yoga is the most popular exercise as it has originated from here. People nowadays also like to join gymnasiums for weight training.
You bought clothes yourself
– When and where you bought
– Why you bought
– Describe the clothes
Sample Answer:
It was December 2005 when I wanted to buy a suit for myself because I wanted to wear it at the reception ceremony of my brother in law. His marriage took place in my city in January 2006. I wanted to buy a designer suit because the occasion was important for me. I started searching for the suit at various outlets of my city but I couldn’t get the type of design and fabric that I was looking for. I visited some reputed tailors of my area and some well known shops too but everything I found their usual and common.
In the meantime I met an old friend of mine who suggested a shop named ‘Male Design’. I visited that shop. I was impressed by their window display and I got an idea that I would get what I was searching. I went there with my wife. We tried many varieties but finally I liked one black suit. It was a three-piece suit with trendy buttons on the blazer.
I liked the style of the suit as it could be worn as a three-piece suit or as a casual blazer only. The fabric was wrinkle free, smooth and attractive. I tried that suit and immediately selected it. It has attractive metal buttons on the cuff with a Chinese collar style. I bought the suit at that time only. I got good complements when I wore the suit at the reception ceremony of my brother in law. I do wear that suit at appropriate occasions and I feel comfortable and happy when I wear it.
What is the difference between the garment buying habits of men and women?
I have found that men are not always selected and precise when they buy clothes for themselves, except when they want to buy clothes for particular occasions. Females on the other hand, are often predetermined and choosy in their garment buying process.
What the difference between the attitudes of youngsters and old people in buying clothes?
Youngsters give more emphasis to style, design, colour and fashion. They often buy trendy clothes they go with their latest style. They are always ready to pay more just for the style. However, old people give more weight to the comfort and appropriateness to their family status and their occupation.
What is the difference between branded and ordinary clothes?
Branded clothes are sold in big shopping malls and in well known shops of the city. They also give guarantee for fabric and color. What is more, we always get a bill of purchase. On the other hand, ordinary clothes are sold in small shops, open market or even by vendors. They don’t give any assurance for color and fabric. Moreover, they often don’t give any bill of purchase. However, ordinary clothes are cheap compared branded clothes.