BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 11th November

BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 11th November


BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 11th November
BEST IELTS Speaking Interview, 11th November



What is your full name?

My name is Suman Sharma.

Can I see your ID?

Here it is! This is my passport.

Where are you from?

I belong to Jaipur which is in the state of Rajasthan.

What do you do?

I’ve recently completed my graduate degree in business administration, and at the moment, I work for Infosys as a business consultant.

Can you describe your work?

I interact with clients constantly to find the right solution to the problems that they’ve identified in the request for proposal. As a part for the request for the proposal (RFP) process, I travel to the client location/office to understand their business environment, do a detailed study of their business operations; post this I’ve detailed sessions/workshops with the client to finalize our approach on implementing their business processes our offshore/onshore location.

Do you enjoy your work?

Oh, it’s a great job; it’s full of challenges whereby I tend to learn too many things. What I studied theoretically during my studies is the real job environment and workplace etiquettes reinforce (=strengthen, fortify) my learning. Words fall short to appreciate the professionalism of our company, Infosys.

What parts of your work do you like the most?

When we meet clients and try to understand their problems, we tend to learn a lot from the client interaction. There’s no doubt that we find the best suited solutions for them but in a real sense, more than a client, I develop myself with the business acumen (=astuteness, sharp-wittedness) professionally. It feels like I’m yet a student who learns everyday a new chapter. It’s full of excitement and motivation for me.

Do you like dreams?

Yes, I do because only in dreams you don’t apply your logic but it’s your dream that dictates you. Moreover, in dreams one could do all unimaginable things which may be quite far from reality.

Do you remember some of your dreams?

Yes, I do. Not all of them but a few of them I remember. I also remember some of the dreams that I used to have as a child. I used to have wild imaginations like I had wings attached to my back and I was all out like a bird and flying from one place to another. Funny, isn’t it!


Describe an indoor game that you liked to play when you were a child.

– What is it

– With whom did you play

– How often you played it

– How did you feel about it


I actually don’t play indoor games nowadays because I don’t have enough free time. These days whenever I get free time I like to do reading and cooking. But I miss my childhood days when playing indoor games were so desirable and fascinating. 

The indoor game that I used to play when I was a child was a dumb charade! I played this game with my parents. We used to play this game on weekends mostly. Especially when my parents had free time as both of them were very busy with their works.

I enjoyed this game very much because we used to play in 2 teams. One member of each team has to make different gestures or do some movements and other team members have to guess it. As a child, that was a great challenge for me. I had to make the right gesture to help my partner understand what I was trying to say. On the other hand, we had to perform really good to beat the opponent team. As I played with my parents and close family members, I loved their companionship. The game required a bit if psychological effort and brainstorming while it was so challenging and enthralling.

I really enjoyed this indoor game than any other indoor games I played at that time. At the end of each game, a chocolate pack was given as a gift and that made the game more challenging and competitive. Some of my very fond memories of my family members were rooted in this game.

I still remember my mother making some funny gestures to let my father understand what she was trying to mean. My mother’s lovely face, funny gesture and loud laughter made me cherish this game more than any other one. Sometimes it was very relaxing for us to take part in this game and I guess my parents also liked to play this game with me as they found that I enjoyed it a lot.


In general, how is outside play for children different to playing inside?

Outside pay is much different to playing inside. There is a lot of physical activity involved when playing outdoor games. There isn’t much physical exercise involved in indoor games. Indoor games may not include as much social interaction with other players, as in the outdoor games.

Do you think the indoor activities and outdoor activities develop children’s abilities the someway?

I think the indoor and outdoor games develop children’s abilities in different ways. There is more social interaction when children play outdoor games. There is an opportunity to play in bigger teams when playing outdoors games, which leads to more awareness of other cultures and backgrounds the other children come from. Indoor games may develop better strategic and decision-making skills than outdoor games.

What’s the most popular game in India?

I think cricket is the most popular game in India, however, after the last Olympics, badminton, wrestling and gymnastics has gained popularity.

How have games changed in the past few decades?

Games have changed a lot over the last few years. The format of many games has changed. For instance, cricket, football, kabaddi and hockey are now played in the premier leagues format. Also, there are many TV channels now that have made many sports popular.

How have children’s game changed in past few decades?

Children’s games have changed greatly in the last few decades. There are many more options of indoor games now since the advent of technology. There are many types of video games available now. There is also an option for motion detection in many gaming consoles.


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