YOLO! (You Only Listen Once)
It’s like real life. You only have one chance to listen. Many of us would love the chance to listen again, but IELTS won’t give you that. Here are a few tips to doing well with just one listening:
1. When you do practice tests, only listen once. Get used to it.
2. Try and identify your listening weaknesses and work on improving those areas.
3. On the question sheet, underline key words. Prepare to listen for those exact words and their synonyms.
4. Practice different types of listening situations (lectures, conversations, chatting, etc…).
Follow Your Heart
When practicing, choose interesting topics. Interesting for YOU. If you love professional tennis, listen to podcasts about professional tennis. If you love Roman history, listen to stories about Roman history. It is well known that we listen better to things we want to or enjoy hearing. If you really want to motivate yourself and get the best out of each and every listening practice, try this approach. You might even have fun doing it!
Audio Scripts
When choosing or searching for practice tests, try and find ones with scripts. Scripts are the word-for-word written texts of the audio you listen to. There are many activities you can do with scripts. Here are a few:
1. Accuracy check: First take notes without scripts. After that, compare your notes to the script. Check for accuracy, spelling, and misunderstanding.
2. Read aloud: After you read aloud, listen to the audio. How accurate were you? Did you sound the same as the speaker(s)?
3. Listen and read along: Follow the text while you listen. This will make strong connections for you in respect to pronunciation and understanding key words. Notice how the keywords are pronounced clearer and louder.
Have you tried an IELTS preparation class? If yes, you probably know that synonyms are important in all parts of the exam. In the speaking and writing exam, you have to show you know how to use synonyms. In the reading and listening exam, many of the questions use synonyms in the questions. For example:
Listening text: “Duchess, who is the only King’s daughter…”
Listening test question:
Who is the princess?
Not given
Get Real – Real Life Listening
English isn’t just a test. It is a language. IELTS tests you on your knowledge and skill of this language. One of the best ways to learn a language well and to do well on the test is to use English in real life. Every day you don’t have a conversation is a missed opportunity. So next chance you have… chat, text, call, email, discuss, and laugh in English!
Think In English
Many language experts agree about one key rule. Thinking in a specific language helps you learn that language. Many students of English often try and translate everything in their heads.
Don’t do it.
Translating has two main problems. First, it is slower. Second, you remember your language and forget the English.
On the listening exam you won’t have time to translate. Also, you’ll have to remember key English words. So, when you’re practicing English… think in English!