IELTS Listening Practice Test – 2024
IELTS Listening Practice Test Overview
The IELTS listening practice test is the same for both those taking the Academic and General Training papers.
It takes about 30 minutes to complete and has 40 questions (10 in each segment). To transfer your answers from the question paper to the answer sheet, you will have ten minutes remaining at the finish.
There are four distinct components of the hearing test, each one getting harder than the last. To put it another way, part four is the hardest and part one is the easiest. Every section has a distinct topic or subject.
– You’ll hear two people talking in Part 1 of IELTS Listening practice test, and nearly invariably, one of them is scheduling an appointment or making a booking of some sort (renting a car, for example, or making a hotel reservation). Typically, the questions are gap-fill ones that need you to listen to the details and then complete a sentence or form.
– You will hear a lone speaker discussing a non-academic topic in Part 2 of IELTS Listening practice test (e.g., TV or radio presenter).
– In Part 3 of IELTS Listening practice test, the setting is changed to an academic one, and multiple people will always be discussing something (such as an assignment or academic paper).
– Part 4 of IELTS Listening practice test is typically an academic lecture where you will hear a single speaker (usually the professor or lecturer) speak for a long time.
Between each segment, you will have a brief period of time (about 30 seconds), which you should utilize to review the questions that will be asked.
You will hear the recordings only once.
There are several different types of question in IELTS Listening practice test and each requires a different strategy so you should familarise yourself with all of them. They include:
– Form/note/table completion
– Labeling a diagram or map
– Sentence Completion
– Short Answers
– Selection
– Multiple Choice
– Matching
IELTS Listening Tips
– There are several preparation tips for getting good score in IELTS listening. The best thing to enhance your listening skills is to listen some English speakers. It is a good idea to do this exercise to learn and understand the assent of the native speakers. You can use internet for this purpose by downloading or subscribing various videos and channels. It can also work as a stress buster and make you feel relaxed by hearing and watching this mode of learning.
– Use the time given at the start of each part to quickly read and understand the upcoming questions. This will help you to identify the kind of information you need to listen for.
– Information given in the starting of each part gives you the idea about the upcoming content like who is speaking, the situation and the purpose so listen it carefully.
– Headings, sub-headings and paraphrasing can be used as clues to know what to listen for and what the answers might be.
– Underline key words in the questions. Make sure you read the instructions and keep them in mind to implement the word limit required in answers: one word; a group of words; a letter; true/false etc?
– If you face trouble in answering any question, leave it and move on. Don’t waste time on it and end up panicking. If you have time left in the end, come back to it later.
– If you have to mention dates in any answer, remember there are various correct ways to do so (e.g. April 24, 24th April and 24 April – all are correct).
– Once a section is complete, you can move ahead and read up the questions for the next section.
– If you are taking IELTS on paper, you are given 10 minutes to transfer your answers from the Listening booklet to your answer sheet once the last recording is over. It is best to wait till the recordings end to transfer the responses to the answer sheet (and not in between sections) as you may end up missing some important information about the test’s next section.
– while listening to a recording, you can keep crossing out the options that do not fit. It makes it easier to find the right option.
Best of Luck for your IELTS preparation