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BEST IELTS General Writing Task 1, 12th August
Your car is hired from a company and while you are driving on holiday, you have a small accident. You will have to write a report to the company to explain it.
You need to explain the following:
– When and where you hired it
– describe how the accident happened
– And what kind of action you took after the accident.
You would please recall that I have hired from your city showroom a Ford Icon for 10 days for the purpose of holidaying at Ooty. Unfortunately, I met with a minor accident while driving the car around. I give below a brief account of the same for your information.
Today, I took the car out from an early morning drive. There was still same mist in the atmosphere and so I was driving slowly. I came to a crossroad. A car coming after fast from the left drove right in front of my car. Before I had time to apply brake, the left side of the front fender of my car hit the right front side of the other car. Both the cars stopped and there had been anything serious apart from the fact that the fender of my cars was slightly dent.
The other car had been driven by two old ladies and they had neither horned nor heard my horn. Since the accident was minor and the ladies apologetically tendered a cheque for Rs. 1,000 immediately for repairs, I left the matter at that.
I herewith enclose the cheque.
Yours faithfully,