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BEST IELTS General Reading Test 528

Applying for a child’s school place: advice for parents from the Education Department
A School places are not automatically allocated, so if you have a child who is approaching his or her fifth birthday, it is essential that you make a formal application. You can apply online. Alternatively, you can download and complete a paper application form. The application form is also available at your local library.
B The application form allows you to list up to three schools in order of preference. All of your preferences will be considered equally, and if we are able to offer a place at more than one of your preferred schools, we will offer a place at the one you have ranked highest. If you do not name a second or third preference and we are not able to allocate a place at your preferred school, then we will allocate a place at the nearest school with a place available.
IELTS General Reading Test
C When applying online you can change your preference(s) right up to 15 January in the year of your child’s fifth birthday. However, please remember that if you edit your application, it is essential that you resubmit the form – failure to do so will result in a non-application. If you have sent in a paper application form, you will need to write to the School Admissions Team to tell them you want to change your preference(s). This must be received by 15 January.
D If you submit an online application, you will receive an email on 18 April, in addition to a letter which will be sent by post on the same day. If you submit a paper application, we will post you a letter on 18 April.
IELTS General Reading Test
E The majority of children start school full-time in the September following their fourth birthday. However, in some cases, parents believe that starting part-time or starting later in the school year would be more appropriate for their child. Visit the Education Department’s website for information about postponing your child’s start date, or about part-time attendance.
F The letter will tell you whether you have been allocated a place at your second or third preference schools. If you are not allocated a place at your preferred school, you are entitled to appeal to an independent panel – the letter will tell you how to do this. You will have 20 school days after you receive your notification to appeal the decision. Appeals will then be heard within 40 school days of this deadline.
IELTS General Reading Test
Questions 1–7
The text above has six paragraphs, A–F. Which paragraph mentions the following? Write the correct letter, A–F.
1. what the Education Department will do if there are no places at your first choice of school
2. what to do if you think your child is not ready to start school at the usual time
3. where to get an application form from
4. what the deadline is for sending or re-sending an application
5. what your rights are if you are dissatisfied with the result of your application
6. when you will receive a response to your application
7. what to do if you change your mind about which school(s) you prefer
IELTS General Reading Test
Read the text below and answer questions 8-13.
A cycling holiday in France
The town of La Tranche sur Mer, halfway down the west coast of France in the Vendee region, is fantastic for family cycling holidays. The town centre is restricted by bollards to essential vehicles only and signs tell everyone that, through the tiny lanes near the town, it’s pedestrians first, then bikes, and finally cars.
Cycling along the coast is a joy. You dip in and out of the pine forest, which lies just behind the sand dunes. A short ride inland takes you away from the coastal plain into more hilly, rural terrain.
Throughout the town and its surroundings are kilometre upon kilometre of cycle path, much of which is single-use, and incorporates the French west coast cycleway.
IELTS General Reading Test
If you enjoy other activities apart from cycling, La Tranche sur Mer is a great destination for a family holiday. It has a superb set of sandy beaches. To the east, by the port, you can hire a modern windsurfer, or to the west you can try kite surfing. Between these beaches, there are areas reserved for more traditional beach activities such as fishing or swimming.
There is plenty of accommodation, including self-catering villas. A popular, family-run campsite next to the longest beach in the region is ideal for families with younger children. It is a small site, just a short stroll from La Tranche sur Mer, with a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. The gently shelving beach nearby is quite superb and is ideal for swimming, windsurfing or simply relaxing. Poplar trees provide shade throughout, making the site a popular choice. The amenities on site are extremely well-maintained, and you can spend your time relaxing on the sun terrace by the attractive pool. The sports facilities include half-sized tennis courts and an outdoor fitness course.
IELTS General Reading Test
Further afield, a trip to the ancient port of La Rochelle, with its narrow streets and fortified harbour is a must. Whilst in La Rochelle, you can visit the fabulous Aquarium or drive over the bridge to the Île de Ré, with a wonderful landscape and famous salt marshes.
Questions 8–13
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text above? In boxes 8–13 on your answer sheet write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
IELTS General Reading Test
8. Barriers in the centre of La Tranche sur Mer prevent most cars from entering.
9. People riding bikes have priority over cars in the lanes surrounding the town.
10. Tourists are banned from swimming in the windsurfing area near the port.
11. Tents can be hired at the nearby campsite.
12. The campsite has its own facilities for swimming and other activities.
13. La Rochelle is a relatively new, modern city.
IELTS General Reading Test

IELTS General Reading Test
1. B
2. E
3. A
4. C
5. F
6. D
7. C
12. TRUE
IELTS General Reading Test