BEST IELTS General Reading Test 527

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 527

IELTS General Reading Test

Brownstone Corporation

Activity Based Working – Information for Staff

Introduction: Activity based working (ABW) is a program we are about to implement in the company to give you a choice about how, when and where you work. In the office, that means a choice of work settings, each designed for different types of tasks. Outside the office, it enables you to work anywhere, from home to an airport lounge. The hope is that this improved work-life balance will lead to greater job satisfaction for employees and therefore fewer days taken off sick. And importantly, ABW reduces the number of fixed workstations we need, thus reducing our expenditure.

A choice of spaces: ABW is all about choice. The planning and design of an ABW office includes a range of spaces to support different workplace activities rather than forcing you to do everything at one desk. If quiet concentration is necessary, then a focus room can be utilised; if an informal discussion is required at short notice, you can use a range of rooms that can’t be booked; if a last minute presentation is required, there will be small rooms equipped with screens and audiovisual equipment; meeting rooms of all sizes will house the latest technologies, and there will be central hubs on each floor accessible to all so teams can get together when necessary.

This is all over and above traditional desk and meeting room set ups – the possibilities and opportunities for ABW are limitless.

IELTS General Reading Test

Training: We will hold a number of ABW workshops in the coming weeks.

The next training is:

5 February 9am – 11:30am

Booking is essential in order to attend this training workshop and the registration form can be found on the Intranet in ‘Training’. Your manager must approve your attendance at the training and they must complete the relevant section of the registration form. Payment for the training will be taken prior to the training date and so a correct cost code on the registration form is also essential. A list of these can be found on page 22 of the Intranet.

IELTS General Reading Test

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.

Activity Based Working (ABW)


• the variety of 15……………… involved in office-work means staff benefit from flexible work stations

• when not in the office, staff can choose freely where to work

• ABW aims to reduce the amount of time employees are 16……………… 

• ABW will decrease the company’s 17……………… on office furniture and equipment

IELTS General Reading Test

The available spaces

• a 18……………… is the best place to be alone and to have time to think

• not all spaces have to be booked

• the most convenient place for groups to meet will be in the 19……………… 

Attending training

• complete the registration form online

• get authorisation and the appropriate 20……………… in order to pay

IELTS General Reading Test

University of Queensland, Australia

Flexible Work Options for Staff

Alternatives to full-time working

• Job sharing: One full-time position may be filled by two people, each of whom works an agreed part of the job and shares responsibility for the total workload.

• Voluntary variable weeks (annualised salary program): Professional staff may request a shorter work year with extra (unpaid) leave, in return for a pro-rata reduction in annual salary. No loading applies to the extra leave and the reduced salary is paid fortnightly as a predictable income. For example, the trade-off for eight weeks’ annual leave (four weeks’ recreational plus four weeks’ unpaid leave) would be a reduced salary paid on regular University paydays.

IELTS General Reading Test

• Flexible pre-retirement arrangements: All staff with at least a 50% employment arrangement may apply, prior to retirement, for a flexible pre-retirement contract. Such contracts are designed to assist staff to plan their future and adjust their working arrangements to suit their career objectives.

Telecommuting: Opportunities to work from home or other off-campus locations may be possible, depending on business needs and according to terms approved by an employee’s manager. Examples of when this might be deemed appropriate include when:

IELTS General Reading Test

• reduced travel time boosts productivity;

• the strategy is part of a staged “return to work” plan after an absence due to illness, parental leave or other personal circumstances;

• the practice is part of an agreed strategy to balance work and family commitments; and/or

• staff can work from home when employed doing special projects

IELTS General Reading Test

Types of leave

• Long service leave: This is available to a staff member after 10 years of continuous service. A break in service of more than 3 months will break continuity of service for the purposes of long service leave. The University will recognise eligible prior service from another Australian university in accordance with the long service leave procedures.

Parental leave: This is available to a staff member in connection with the birth or adoption of a child. An initial period of parental leave up to 12 months (excluding additional parental leave) whether paid or unpaid will be regarded as service for the purpose of determining leave accruals in accordance with the parental leave procedures.

Where a staff member has less than 12 months’ continuous service at the date of birth, or date of placement of a child, the staff member will be eligible for up to 26 weeks unpaid parental leave. The rate of pay for paid parental leave will be calculated based on the staff member’s average service fraction in the 12 months prior to commencing parental leave.

IELTS General Reading Test

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.

21. Staff are able to job-share as long as the division of duties and …………… is agreed between them.

22. In order to be eligible for fewer annual working weeks, staff must accept a …………… income.

23. Staff approaching …………… can negotiate a new contract that will help them prepare for the future.

24. Telecommuting may be an option for staff if it increases …………… for the company.

25. Staff working on particular …………… may find it an advantage to work from home.

26. Staff are only eligible for long service leave if their work for the university has been …………… .

27. Parental leave will be …………… if the staff member has less than a year’s service with the university.

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BEST IELTS General Reading Test 527

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