BEST IELTS General Reading Test 524

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 524

IELTS General Reading Test

The Top 7 Super Foods

(A) Apple: Over 7,500 varieties of apple are grown throughout the world. They are packed full of antioxidants, especially vitamin C for healthy skin and gums. One apple provides a quarter of your daily requirement of vitamin C.

(B) Baked beans: The baked bean is a nutritional powerhouse of protein, fiber, iron, and calcium. The tomato sauce covering baked beans is also a good source of lycopene, another powerful antioxidant shown to help prevent heart disease and prostate cancer.

IELTS General Reading Test

(C) Broccoli: Not only does broccoli contain antioxidants including vitamin C, it can also delay the progression of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which affects 10% of people over 60 and is a major cause of impaired vision and blindness.

(D) Olive oil: The fat in olive oil is good for the heart. Olive oil lowers bad cholesterol levels and increases the good levels. Watch out for the calories – a little goes a long way. A tablespoon of oil contains 120 kilocalories, which is the same as a large slice of bread and butter.

(E) Wholegrain seeded bread: Breads containing a lot of seeds and wholegrain have a low GI, which can protect against heart disease, reduce hunger pangs, and help with weight control. They are also packed with fiber, which keeps the gut working efficiently; and seeded breads contain essential fatty acids.

IELTS General Reading Test

(F) Salmon: All fish is a source of good-quality protein, vitamins, and minerals, but oily fish such as salmon also contain omega-3 fats that reduce blood clotting and inflammation, help to prevent depression, and protect against the onset of dementia.

(G) Yogurt: Yogurt is an easily absorbed source of calcium. It’s also a useful milk substitute for people who can’t digest large amounts of the milk sugar, lactose.

IELTS General Reading Test

Answer the questions below using the letters A – G for each answer.

Write your answer in boxes 1–7 on your Answer Sheet.

NB You may use any letter more than once.

What food can help if you have:

1. poor milk digestion and lack of calcium?

2. gum bleeding due to vitamin C deficiency?  

3. obesity and poor intestinal movement?  

4. failing of eyesight due to aging? 

5. a problem with the blood stream in the arteries? 

6. a dangerously high cholesterol level in the blood?

7. increasing worry about memory decline?

IELTS General Reading Test

A Free Fire Inspection for Your Home

Fire and Rescue Service is offering a FREE fire safety inspection for your home.

The inspection is carried out by the operational crew from your local fire station.

Inspections provide practical advice on how to increase the fire safety within your home by identifying potential fire safety hazards. The visit will take approximately 45 minutes, at the end of which you will be supplied with a checklist to help you improve fire safety. 

All homeowners and renters of houses, apartments, units, caravans, and sheds are eligible, and you can register by telephoning your local fire station and leaving your details. 

IELTS General Reading Test

After registration, we will call you back and book a time and a date. We work seven days a week. Our appointment is, of course, dependent on any emergency work that may arise in the course of the week. 

This program is aimed at reducing the occurrence of death and injury due to fires and accidents in the home. You are given practical advice on how to remedy potential problems should they occur. We also give advice on installation, positioning, and maintenance of smoke alarms and extinguisher positioning and use. Home evacuation planning is also an area we can advise you on in order to prepare you for possible emergency fire situations. We talk about all of this, along with all other aspects of safety. At the end of the inspection, your home may be eligible to have a free smoke alarm fitted. 

IELTS General Reading Test

Two members from our operational crew at your local fire station will conduct the inspection. They will arrive in the local fire truck with other crew members, who are happy to show the children the fire engine while the inspection is being carried out.

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text?

In boxes 8–14 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE                   if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE                  if the statement contradicts with the information

NOT GIVEN          if there is no information on the given statement

8. Crews consisting of volunteers visit your home to inspect it for fire safety.   

9. The aim of this inspection is to give out the free safety checklist to each home. 

10. Tenants as well as landlords are entitled to the inspection. 

11. A schedule for the inspection is made when you call to register. 

12. An appointment for the inspection can be changed in certain circumstances.

13. The crews in charge of the inspection install the fire alarm for your home safety.

14. Every child likes experiencing the fire engine in person.  

IELTS General Reading Test


BEST IELTS General Reading Test 524

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IELTS General Reading Test

1. G

2. A

3. E

4. C

5. F

6. D

7. F



10. TRUE


12. TRUE



IELTS General Reading Test

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