BEST IELTS General Reading Test 523

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 523

IELTS General Reading Test

Sharing the Road with Motorcycles

Many drivers are having trouble adjusting to the increasing number of motorcycles appearing on our nation’s streets and highways. Motorcycles number less than four percent of the motor vehicle population in the U.S., yet they are involved in nearly 10 percent of all motor vehicle deaths. In most motorcycle accidents, drivers of other vehicles are at fault.

Motorcyclists have the same rights and responsibilities on public roadways as other drivers. Special conditions and situations, however, often cause greater problems for motorcyclists. Driver should be aware of these problems, so they can help share the road safely with motorcyclists. Motorcycles are not easily identified in traffic. Even when drivers see them, many say it’s difficult to judge how far away motorcyclists are or how fast they are traveling. Being alert to this problem and consciously looking for motorcyclists will help avoid collisions.

IELTS General Reading Test

Here are a few of the situations that require special attention.

Drivers turning left in front of oncoming motorcyclists cause a large percentage of car/cycle accidents. Drivers often fail to pick the motorcyclist out of the traffic scene, or inaccurately judge the speed of the oncoming motorcycle. Look once, then again. Make sure you see the motorcycle and know its speed before you make a left turn or turn right onto a through street or cross a roadway.

Turn signals do not turn off automatically on most motorcycles. Before you make a turn in front of a motorcyclist, be sure the rider is turning and not continuing straight into your path with a forgotten turn signal still blinking.

IELTS General Reading Test

The same two-second following distance should be given to motorcyclists as given to other vehicles. Following too closely may cause the rider’s attention to be distracted from the road and traffic ahead.

Motorcycles need a full-lane width like other vehicles. A skilled motorcyclist is constantly changing positions within a lane to increase his ability to see and be seen, and to avoid objects on the road. Never move into the same lane with a motorcycle, even if the lane is wide and the cyclist is riding to one side. It is not only illegal; it is extremely hazardous.

Bad weather and slippery surfaces cause greater problems for motorcyclists than for car drivers. Allow more following distance for motorcyclists when the road surface is wet and slippery. These conditions create stability problems, and skilled motorcyclists will slow down. Also be alert to the problem of glare that rain and wet surfaces create, especially at night.

IELTS General Reading Test

Strong cross winds can move a motorcycle out of its lane of travel. Areas where this can happen are wide-open, long stretches of highways and bridges. Large, fast-moving trucks sometimes create wind blasts which, under certain conditions, can move the motorcyclist out of his path of travel. Being alert to these conditions prepares you for a motorcyclist’s possible quick change in speed or direction.

Some other conditions that create special problems for motorcycles are:

Road hazards, such as gravel, debris, pavement seams, rain grooves, small animals, and even manhole covers may cause the motorcyclist to change speed or direction. Railroad grade crossings usually cause the motorcyclist to slow down to help cushion the shock of a rough crossing. The rider also may change direction so the tracks can be crossed head on.

IELTS General Reading Test

Metal or grated bridges cause a motorcycle to wobble much more than a car. An experienced motorcyclist slows down and moves to the center of the lane to allow room for handling the uneven surface. An inexperienced motorcyclist may become startled and try to quickly change direction. Be prepared for either reaction.

Being aware of these situations and following these suggestions can help you share the road safely with motorcyclists.

IELTS General Reading Test

Read the following passage and look at the statement below. In boxes 14–20 on your answer sheet, write:

TRUE            if the statement is true

FALSE           if the statement is false

NOT GIVEN      if the information is not given in the passage

14. Large trucks can drive a motorcycle out of its path because trucks take much more space than motorcycles. 

15. It is easy for drivers to identify motorcyclists when the traffic is dense. 

16. When drivers see motorcycles, they should take a detour. 

17. When you see the turn signal for a motorcycle, you still cannot be sure it is turning. 

18. Brightly colored motorcycles have fewer accidents because they are easier to identify. 

19. The distance between motor vehicles should be the distance which can be covered in two seconds. 

20. An experienced motorcyclist knows how to cope with the uneven road by speeding up quickly.  

IELTS General Reading Test

Information on Multi-Functional Devices (MFDs)

The manual on multi-functional devices, which provide a combination of functions like scan, photocopy, fax, and print, is on the ground floor of the public library for students and staff. The devices have recently been installed in the public library. When using one of these devices, users should always bring a charged personal photo card.

The layout of the buttons is similar to a computer keyboard. To verify identification and protect against fraud, users should have a unique activated card with a four-digit account number to access the system. Initially, all users will have to pay £2.00 at the information centre to obtain a plastic card recording their personal details. When a new card is bought, the library computer system automatically issues a receipt to the user, but the user can decide whether to print it out. Always keep the card with you and fill out your signature on the back side, which is used to identify the cardholder. 

IELTS General Reading Test

Users are able to use all multi-function device services in the library with the balance charged to their personal photo cards: £0.15 per A4 (black and white), £0.25 per A4 (color). The maximum amount available to charge is £70.00. If your card is lost or stolen, you will have to pay £2.00 for a replacement card to be recorded with your personal details. Recharging machines have been installed on the ground floor. The MFDs room number is 101 on the ground and first floors. Users can charge theirs cards with only coins.

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage?

In boxes on your answer sheet, write:

TRUE                       if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE                       if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN              if there is no information on this

IELTS General Reading Test

21. The multi-functional devices placed in the public library are for students only. 

22. Users should charge the personal photo card to use it. 

23. The layout of buttons on the MFDs is different from a computer. 

24. To use MFDs, users should input their five-figure account number. 

25. The cardholder is able to lend the card to others. 

26. The user’s signature on the back side is not necessary for the personal ID. 

27. When a card is not available, users may use coins to activate MFDs. 

IELTS General Reading Test


BEST IELTS General Reading Test 523

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IELTS General Reading Test



16. TRUE

17. TRUE


19. TRUE



22. TRUE






IELTS General Reading Test

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