BEST IELTS General Reading Test 512

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 512

IELTS General Reading Test

Mondo College of Travel and Tourism

If you plan to work in the travel industry, you will need to have the right skills.

Mondo College offers an on-line certificate course recognised by the travel industry, which will train and qualify you to book airline seats, hotel rooms and rental cars using recognised Computer Reservations Systems (CRS).

You will learn about the domestic and international tourism market, destination information, and how to handle yourself in a range of situations related to the industry. You will also become familiar with a number of travel software packages, making you highly employable in different companies.

IELTS General Reading Test

Upon successful completion of this course you will receive a nationally recognised Certificate in Travel and Tourism and your new career will take off from there.

In the course you will learn how to:

– operate a computerised reservations system

– sell tourism products and services (see course outline below)

Establish rapport with the customer to promote goodwill and trust.

Tailor options to the cultural needs of customers.

Provide all options within the agreed timeframe.

– prepare quotations and process financial transactions

– provide destination information and advice.

IELTS General Reading Test

Workplace training and assessment

Workplace training gives students the opportunity to develop practical job skills such as interacting with people in a professional environment and developing communication skills, as well as an insight into particular job roles and responsibilities. Overall, students have found workplace training improved their chances of getting a job and succeeding at it.

As a compulsory part of this course, students are required to seek a work placement on which they can be assessed. The assessment will involve being observed in a number of roles and all students are required to produce paperwork verifying what they have achieved, signed by a qualified manager or supervisor.

The College provides insurance cover for students who undertake work experience as part of their course. The policy covers personal accidents in the workplace, and will help put employers’ minds at ease for the duration of the work placement.

IELTS General Reading Test

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

15. The course qualifies you to make ……………………. for clients using standard computer systems.

16. The course equips you to advise clients on …………………… as well as overseas travel arrangements.

17. Mondo College teaches you how to ……………………. outlining what a trip will cost.

18. You will learn how to meet the ……………………. of clients depending on their backgrounds.

19. Work placements are a ……………………. of the Travel and Tourism course.

20. Your workplace training must be overseen by a competent …………………….

21. While you are on placement, you are insured against any …………………….

IELTS General Reading Test

Advice for traders on refunding money

When are consumers entitled to a refund?

A. Consumers may ask for a refund if the goods they bought are so defective that they should not have been sold, e.g. they don’t work, they break down or they develop a serious fault. If an article becomes defective after sale, one of the considerations would be the price paid to the store for the goods (e.g. a $20 watch would not be expected to last as long as a $300 watch).

B. Where a dispute arises between a consumer and a trader, the Department of Fair Trading1 can negotiate with the parties to achieve an acceptable solution. However, the Department cannot instruct the parties what to do. Only a court or tribunal is allowed to make a decision in such circumstances. And remember: consumers cannot ask for a cash refund if they did not pay cash.

IELTS General Reading Test

When are consumers not entitled to a refund?

C. Consumers are not entitled to a refund if they change their mind about a product. This includes when a consumer has found a cheaper product elsewhere, has bought a gift that is unsuitable, or they no longer require the goods.

D. They are also not entitled to a refund if they knew about a fault when the goods were bought, for example as seconds. However, if a second has a fault that the consumer was not aware of, or could not have discovered upon a reasonable inspection when the item was bought, their rights are not affected.

IELTS General Reading Test

E. No refund can be made if the consumer is unable to prove when or where the item was purchased. However, traders should not refuse a refund solely because there is no receipt, if they are satisfied that the goods were purchased from their store. Nevertheless, there can be no refund if the consumer is responsible for damaging the goods by not following the instructions, or misusing the product.

F. Many stores and traders offer refunds over and above their legal requirements as a goodwill measure to their customers. In this case, traders should display a notice near the cash desk advising their customers of their refund policy.

‘Government department which looks after the legal rights of consumers and traders.

IELTS General Reading Test

Which paragraph contains the following information?

22. advice to the trader on how to give information to the public

23. a reference to a problem being hidden from the customer

24. examples of consumer negligence

25. the relevance of cost/quality to performance

26. a situation where legal help may be needed

27. mention of goods bought as presents

IELTS General Reading Test


BEST IELTS General Reading Test 512

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IELTS General Reading Test








22. F

23. D

24. E

25. A

26. B

27. C

IELTS General Reading Test

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