BEST IELTS General Reading Test 323

BEST IELTS General Reading Test 323


IELTS General Reading Test




They assist in delivering nursing care in community, residential and hospital settings.  Over the last three years, there has been an increase in the demand for Nurse Assistants in child and aged care and public health. Qualified men and women are encouraged to consider this career opportunity Working as a Nurse Assistant in New Zealand provides a number of unique opportunities in an interesting work environment. Nurse Assistants work with registered nurses and nursing practitioners to promote health, prevent disease and to manage public health needs. Nurse Assistants do not make independent assessments..

To graduate with a Certificate in Nursing Assistance, students must complete a 12-month Nursing Council of New Zealand-approved education program and pass the examination.  Successful course completion requires attendance at 75% of all class lectures, participation in a minimum of 200 clinical hours and for all written reports to be completed satisfactorily.

Applicants should be mature and healthy, both mentally and physically and their previous academic record must demonstrate the ability to manage a study environment. They should also have a keen interest in working with people and be at least 20 years of age
If English is not the first, or native, language an approved English language test score must be presented along with the usual character references required for all applicants.

IELTS General Reading Test

Certified Nurse Assistants are often the principal caregivers in nursing homes, assisting with the activities of daily living. This may include, but is not limited to, helping people in and out of bed, assisting with eating, bathing and dressing, as well as administering medications when requested to do so. As the relationship develops between the residents and their caregivers, Nurse Assistants often find that providing emotional support becomes another important aspect of their occupation.Because hospitals and nursing homes must provide 24-hour care, Nurse Assistants employed in these institutions can often be required to work evenings, nights, weekends, holidays and must be available for shift work.

The workload can be very demanding and there is often some lifting of patients involved in the daily work routine. If employed in hospitals or in community care, there can also, on occasion, be exposure to some infectious diseases.

Pay scales vary according to the area and the type of work involved. Additional information, pertaining to careers as a Nurse Assistant, can be obtained from the nearest, relevant educational institution.

IELTS General Reading Test

Questions 15-20

Complete the sentences below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 15-20 on your answer sheet.

15. Only registered nurses and nursing practitioners make ……………….. .         
16.  To work as a Nurse Assistant, individuals must be ……………….. .
17.  To be accepted into the course ……………….. must be provided by every applicant.
18.  After working with patients for some time ……………….. often becomes a significant work task.
19.  Shift work may be required because hospitals have to offer ……………….. .
20.  Interested individuals should contact an appropriate local ……………….. for further details.

IELTS General Reading Test

Read the text below and answer Questions 21-26


Studies have proven that people who plan and rehearse how they will get out of the building in a crisis are better prepared than those who do not have an exit strategy.
Fire can occur anywhere and at any time. An outbreak of fire in a large industrial building is very dangerous to everyone working in the area. There could also be the added risk of being exposed to hazardous spills and gas leaks, which significantly increases the risk of injury in a smoke-filled environment.

United States Fire Regulations requires employers to conduct regular fire drills to familiarise employees with what to do should a fire break out. The development of an effective fire drill procedure involves both planning and practice

IELTS General Reading Test
All employees are encouraged to familiarise themselves with this information. Employers should also ensure that workers know where the emergency exits are and how to use fire extinguishers.

The first step employers at Monoton Electronics undertake, in conjunction with their employees, is to develop an evacuation plan. The objective of the plan is to provide a set of procedures in the event of an emergency which requires the workforce to leave the building.

Once the plan is completed, it is posted in a prominent area along with maps of the building which clearly show all entry/exit points. Other information in the evacuation plan would include the location of the smoke alarms and fire extinguishers, where the assembly site is located, who has been appointed to account for the evacuated workers, visitors and customers as they arrive at this area and who will supervise the shutdown of critical operations.

IELTS General Reading Test
Practising the evacuation of a hazardous area in a fast and orderly manner can be the key to surviving a fire emergency and regular fire drills are a way of accomplishing this.  It is recommended that every member of staff is involved in the exercise. If this is not possible, at least half the personnel in each department should be present.

IELTS General Reading Test

During the fire drill, the supervisors should note in the incidents register inappropriate activity such as delays in the collection of personal items, difficulties experienced by those with disabilities. If any doorways or fire escapes are obstructed this must also be noted.

IELTS General Reading Test

Questions 21 – 26

Coplete the sentences below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 21-27 on your answer sheet.
21.  ……………… staff to prepare for a fire.     
22.  Planning and going over a fire escape procedure helps staff to be………………..  .      
23.  Establishing a process in case of emergency is the aim of the……………….. .
24.  Once outside, staff meet at an……………….. .   
25.  Staff must know how to operate……………….. .              
26.  Blocked doorways or fire escapes must be recorded in the………………. .        

IELTS General Reading Test



BEST IELTS General Reading Test 323

IELTS General Reading Test


15. independent assessments
16. qualified
17. character references
18. emotional support
19. 24-hour care

20. educational institution
21. fire drills
22. (better) prepared
23. evacuation plan
24. assembly site
25. fire extinguishers
26. incidents register

IELTS General Reading Test

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