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BEST IELTS General Reading Test 316

The Graduate Association
All postgraduate students at the University of St James are automatically members of the Graduate Association. It plays an important role in representing the interests of all postgraduate students, and also acts as a social club. The Graduate Association elects annually international officers, representing the interests of students from Europe and from outside Europe.
Societies and Groups
“National and Cultural “Societies
There are some 18 societies affiliated to the Union with memberships of nationals from those countries and other international and UK students interested in finding out more about their culture and language. The current list of “National and Cultural” societies as of January 2000 can be obtained at the Union office. The presidents of all these societies can be contacted through their pigeonholes in the Union. If there is no society for your nationality, why not start one?
IELTS General Reading Test
The job of the University Union is to represent the interests of the students–both to the University and to the outside world–and provide students with cultural, sporting and welfare facilitie. When you arrive at the University, you will be given a Student Guide, explaining in detail what the Union has to offer. All full-time registered students are automatically members of the University Union, which is affiliated to the
National Union of Students (although under Section 22(2)(c) of the Education Act 1994, a student has the right not to be a member of the Union if he or she so wishes). The Union is run by students (Sabbatical Officers) elected in cross-campus ballots, who work full-time, taking a year of from their university courses.
International students are represented by an Overseas Students Officer, a part-time Union post.
IELTS General Reading Test
Wives International Group
This group was formed to foster contact amongst the wives of overseas students, Coffee mornings are held every Wednesday morning in the Senior Common Room, Clifton Hill House, where children can play with the many toys provided, and their mothers can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and chat. Language tuition can also be arranged by qualified teachers at a reduced rate for wives who do not have much knowledge of the English language.
IELTS General Reading Test
Questions 15 – 20
Look at the following notice regarding societies and groups at St James.
In boxes ’15-20 on your answer sheet write
TRUE – if the statement is true
FALSE – if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN – if the information is not given in the passage
15. The people who run the University Union do not study at the same time as they work.
16. As with the University Union, all students are automatic members of the Graduate Society.
17. The representative of the international students studies as well as works.
18. The wives of Wives International Group are able to receive free language instruction.
19. All students must be members of the Union.
20. “National and Cultural” clubs may be started by student
IELTS General Reading Test
Accommodation at Trentford University
Undergraduate students live in University halls of residence during their first year at the University; some live in university student houses. In their second and subsequent years, most live in privately rented accommodation, although it is possible for some second-and third–year students to live in halls of residence or student houses. The application process for places in halls and student houses for the following year takes place during the spring term. The University Accommodation Office does its best to offer university accommodation to all those who apply by the closing date, but it is unfortunately not usually possible to accommodate everyone who applies.
IELTS General Reading Test
Postgraduate students live in university student houses or in private sector accommodation. University accommodation is guaranteed, subject to certain conditions, to all new undergraduate students and to new postgraduate students paying fees at the overseas rate. It is necessary for the Accommodation Office to have received your application form by the stipulated closing date in order to qualify for the guarantee–read the Accommodation booklets carefully for the conditions. It is essential that you complete and return an accommodation form if the Accommodation Office is to be able to plan for your arrival.
IELTS General Reading Test
University accommodation is provided for one academic year only, with no guarantee of accommodation for the second and subsequent years. Therefore, financial plans must include the possibility of moving into the privately rented sector at a higher cost.
IELTS General Reading Test
Before renting any accommodation you will have to sign a contract committing you to that accommodation for the period stated. Read the conditions carefully before signing. If you do not understand any part of the contract, ask the staff at the Accommodation Office: they will be happy to explain it to you. If you leave university accommodation before the end of your contract a severance fee will be charged, (one-fifth of the year’s rent in self-catered accommodation, one-eighth in catered accommodation) unless there are extenuating circumstances.
IELTS General Reading Test
If it is not possible for you to move into permanent accommodation as soon as you arrive in Trentford, you will need to arrange temporary accommodation for the first few days. The University will have a limited number of rooms available in a Hall of Residence from, approximately, mid-September until the Friday before the start of term. If all University temporary accommodation is taken, you may need to stay in a guesthouse or the Trentford Youth Hostel. Guesthouses cost from about 25 pounds per night for bed and breakfast. The Youth Hostel costs 15 pounds per night.
A list of hotel and guesthouses and details of charges can be obtained from the University Accommodation Office.
Suitcases can safely be left in the International Students Advisory Service’s office until your permanent accommodation has been arranged.
IELTS General Reading Test
Question 21-27
Look at the information below on “Accommodation at Trentford University”. Using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage, answer the following questions on the answer sheet in boxes 21-27.
21. After a student lives at a University hall of residence for a year he or she often then move to………………….
22. Students are required to sign a contract which means they must stay at the accommodation for……………..
23. It is important to get your application for accommodation in before………………………..
24. The unit you should always consult in case you are worried that you don’t understand the wording in a contract is…………………….
25. If you are a self-catering student and you leave before the contract date you will be charged a fifth of the rent as………………..
26. The only postgraduate and undergraduate overseas students guaranteed first year accommodation are…………………….
27. If you are unlucky enough even to miss out on temporary accommodation then you can stay at a………………..
IELTS General Reading Test

IELTS General Reading Test
15. TRUE
20. TRUE
IELTS General Reading Test