BEST IELTS Academic Writing Task 1, 25th January

BEST IELTS Academic Writing Task 1, 25th January

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1

Leisure activities participation (%) by age group in a European country in 2022

Age groupWatching TVReading booksPlaying sportsGoing to the theatre
56 and above6040155

The table illustrates the percentage of adults in different age groups participating in various leisure activities in a European country in 2022. The activities listed are watching TV, reading books, playing sports, and going to the theatre.

Overall, it is noticeable that watching TV was the most popular leisure activity across all age groups while going to the theatre had the lowest participation rates. Additionally, participation in all activities tended to decline with increasing age.  

In the 18-25 age group, the highest percentage of adults (75%) engaged in watching TV, followed by reading books (60%). Playing sports and going to the theatre had participation rates of 40% and 15%, respectively.

For the 26-35 age group, watching TV remained the most popular activity, with 80% of adults participating. Reading books and playing sports had participation rates of 50% and 30%, respectively, while going to the theatre had the lowest participation rate at 10%.

In the 36-45 age group, watching TV remained the most preferred leisure activity, with 70% of adults participating. Reading books and playing sports had participation rates of 55% and 25%, respectively, while going to the theatre had a slightly higher participation rate of 12%.

Among adults aged 46-55, watching TV had the highest participation rate at 65%, followed by reading books (45%) and playing sports (20%). Going to the theatre had the lowest participation rate in this age group, with only 8% of adults engaging in this activity.

Finally, for adults aged 56 and above, watching TV was the most popular leisure activity, with 60% of adults participating. Reading books and playing sports had participation rates of 40% and 15%, respectively. Going to the theatre had the lowest participation rate at 5%.

In conclusion, watching TV was the most prevalent leisure activity across all age groups in the European country in 2022. Additionally, participation in all activities decreased with increasing age, with the lowest participation rates observed in going to the theatre.

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1


BEST IELTS Academic Writing Task 1, 25th January

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