Fact’s apart, let’s put it straight. Well it can happen any time that one may lose down score in IELTS speaking although you practice a lot with restlessness. So, how your hard work can assist you to get the good band score?
Best way is to follow different tips and here are they below:
#Prefer natural accent
Always try to speak in natural accent only as it will only assist you yo dpeak in a good flow. However, the IELTS speaking test is totally about your flow in speaking but it’s not mandatory to speak in American or British accent. You are not assessed upon the accent. Examiners always make scoring on the specific parameters only that is enunciation of different words, fluency, grammatical range and lexical resources. If the notice your attempt that you are mimicking a foreign accent, you are likely to lose your points more.
#Memorising answer must be avoided
As in the first part of the exam you are asked with questions which belongs to your personal life or interest, it is highly advised that never to cram answers and memories them as you may lose your band by showing the answer with the fake context. It is always advised to prepare beforehand with a proper pattern and relevant answers, don’t even try to tailor the answers as it will push you only to be in the trap of examiner. You are judged on your natural way of speaking and according to a situation. Speaking always gets simpler if you study with proper guidance.
#Elaborate more
Most of time students anwer the questions with “yes or no” or merely with single sentence. It’s not an appropriate way to give reply and showing examiner that how good you are with your English speaking. Keep in mind, not to go too far while you are speaking answer. Stay stick to only 2 or 3 sentences in order to answer the question. For others, you should elaborate as much you prefer to describe an answer but don’t expand them too much. You may also bore the examiner if you go out of topic.
# Don’t feel shy or hesitate
You may not hesitate to ask to repeat the question, feel free to ask. Sometimes test takers don’t ask them to repeat and at the end they anwer them wrong. To avoid this situation do ask to repeat so you should answer with a proper understanding.
#Avoid extraordinary Vocabulary
Vocabulary must be accurately used in IELTS Speaking. It is advised that always prefer to use only the words with which you are familiar properly. Prefer not stuff your speaking with heavy words that you have memorised, it will lead you to nake more mistakes. Although, it’s a main parameter which also decides your score but be careful to use different synonyms.
#Say “No” to silence
Sometimes candidate have no answer for the question asked by the examiner, in this situation you may not prefer to be at silence and showing confusing gestures to the examiner. Instead, speak down the answer which sonewhere connects with the questions. So, in this situation examiner gets an opportunity to assess how excellent your english is . Silence is not accepted in IELTS speaking.
# Reform your Answer
Whenever a question is asked, focus on reconstructing your answer. Find a distinct way to structure your answer. For example: A question is asked…. What is your favourite time of the day? The answer could be something like “I’d prefer evening time the most as I can perform leisure activities such as reading books or watching TV”
Here speaking will no longer be daunting if you are aware what is expected of you. Practice from dawn to dusk until you make it!
Thank you:)