BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 1st March

BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 1st March

IELTS Speaking Test

What is your full name?

My full name is Urvashi Rani.

How may I address you?

You may address me as Urvashi.

May I see your ID?

Sure, here it is.

IELTS Speaking Test

Did you learn about outer space and stars at school?

Yeah, I definitely learned about outer space and stars in school. We studied a lot of different topics in science class, and I remember learning about the solar system, the different planets, and the stars. It was always one of my favorite subjects and I found it really fascinating to learn about the vastness of the universe and the mysteries it holds.

Would you like to travel to outer space?

Oh man, that would be an amazing experience! I would love to travel to outer space and see what it’s like first hand. It would definitely be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and something that I would never forget.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you think it’s important to study the stars?

I definitely think it’s important to study the stars. There’s just so much that we don’t know about the universe and the stars are such a big part of it. Studying the stars can help us to better understand the world around us and the forces that shape it. It can also help us to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the universe and to feel more connected to it.

Would you like to travel to outer space?

Oh man, that would be an amazing experience! I would love to travel to outer space and see what it’s like first hand. It would definitely be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and something that I would never forget.

How often do you stay up late??

It really depends on my schedule and what I have going on. Some weeks I’ll stay up late a few times, and other weeks I might not stay up late at all. It just really depends on my energy levels and how busy I am.

IELTS Speaking Test

When did you last stay up late?

I can’t really remember exactly when I last stayed up late. Like I mentioned before, it just kind of depends on my schedule and how much I have going on. Sometimes I’ll stay up late because I’m working on something or just feeling really energized, and other times I’ll go to bed early because I’m tired and ready to get some rest.

How Do You Feel After Staying Up Late?

It really depends on how long I’ve stayed up and how much sleep I’ve gotten. If I’ve only stayed up a few hours past my normal bedtime, I might feel a little tired but not too bad. But if I’ve stayed up all night or barely gotten any sleep, I’ll definitely feel pretty exhausted and not at my best the next day.

Does Anything Make It Difficult For You To Fall Asleep?

There are definitely some things that can make it harder for me to fall asleep, like if I’m feeling really stressed or anxious. Sometimes my mind just won’t turn off and I’ll lie awake for a while. I also have a pretty active imagination, so sometimes I’ll start to come up with all sorts of scenarios in my head and it can be hard to shut them off and fall asleep. Noise can also be a factor if it’s really loud or disruptive.

IELTS Speaking Test

IELTS Speaking Test

There is one city that I’ve always wanted to visit: New York City. It’s just so iconic and energetic, you know? There’s just so much to see and do in that city that I couldn’t possibly do it all in a single visit.

First and foremost, I’d like to visit all of the famous landmarks, such as the Empire State Building, Central Park, and the Statue of Liberty. I’ve always been interested in the history and architecture of those locations. Of course, I’d have to see Times Square at night to see all the lights and billboards. It’s supposed to be a crazy place.

IELTS Speaking Test

But I’m keen to explore some of the city’s art and culture because I am a big fan of art. I’d like to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of Modern Art, as well as see a few Broadway shows. And I’ve heard the city has some fantastic food, so I’d definitely like to sample some of it.

In terms of who I would bring, I think it would be fun to bring a group of friends. New York City is one of those places that is best experienced in a group, you know? It would also be cool to have someone photograph me in front of all the famous landmarks.

IELTS Speaking Test

Finally, I’d like to visit because it’s one of the world’s most exciting and diverse cities. It’s a melting pot of different cultures and people, with something new and interesting happening all the time. Plus, it’s such a historically significant city with so much to see and do that I can’t help but want to visit.

Overall, I’d like to visit New York City for a short period of time. There’s so much to see and do in that city, from its iconic landmarks to its art and culture. Furthermore, exploring the city with a group of friends would be a memorable experience.

IELTS Speaking Test

Why do people sometimes go to other cities or other countries to travel?

There are many reasons behind travel to another city or a country by the people. The first and foremost result is that people like to travel and love to explore new things. The second one is that people also love to know about the other culture and also like to try different diseases which are not available in their own cities. That’s why they prefer to travel to other countries or cities. Too familiar with. Other people know about their culture and try new items.

IELTS Speaking Test

Why are historical cities popular?

They are more popular nowadays among people because of. Creativity and the architect of the different places. East Daily. Amazing. And that attracts more people and also increases their curiosity. Among the people. For example. The pyramids in Egypt. I really feel developed by ancient times. And. Nowadays, it is also a mystery how. Pyramid app build. Hey. Without any technology or machinery. And that’s why this type of curiosity. Increase the popularity of the historical places.

Why do places with historical sites develop the tourism industry more actively?

Places with historical sites develop more. Activity. In the tourism industry, because of. Nowadays, people have. Use the amount of income, they also have free time, they love to travel, and they love to spend their money too. The time traveling, so they visit different places by month or once a month. So that’s why the tourism industry is more active in historical sites. Just take one example. Taj Mahal. It is the most popular, and around 2000 people visit per day at this place.

IELTS Speaking Test

Do you think tourists may come across bad things in other cities?

Yes, I do. Due to the higher population in the cities, the probability that bad people, such as the army and others, are present in such places is high. So believe that tourists may encounter bad things.


BEST IELTS Speaking Test, 1st March

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