IELTS Vocabulary
GRISLY – terrible; horrible
SENTENCE – It is a grisly night.
HAPHAZARD – with no particular order or plan
SENTENCE – The town grew in a haphazard way
HARASS – to annoy somebody by doing unpleasant things to them, especially over a long time
SENTENCE – I feel harass by all the work at the office.
HYPOCRISY – behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel
SENTENCE – His hypocrisy makes me sick.
IMMACULATE – perfectly clean and tidy.
SENTENCE – He wore an immaculate dark-blue suit.
IMMERSE – to put something into a liquid so that it is covered.
SENTENCE – I immerse my clothes in the water.
RETARD – to delay something or make its development or progress slower.
SENTENCE – I’m not playing with him, he’s a total retard.
TARNISHED – to become or to make something less bright and shiny.
SENTENCE – The mirrors had tarnished with age.
SERVIETTE – a table napkin made of cloth or paper.
SENTENCE – Do you have a serviette, please ?
CHASTISE – to criticize somebody for doing something wrong.
SENTENCE – just don’t want you to chastise yourself
CONCEDE – to admit that something is true although you do not want to.
SENTENCE – I was forced to concede that she might be right.
CONCUR – to agree.
SENTENCE – I strongly concur with that idea.
DEFRAY – provide money to pay
SENTENCE – My father has to defray my education.
ECSTASY – a feeling or state of great happiness.
SENTENCE – She threw her head back as if in ecstasy.
ENCUMBRANCE – an impediment or burden.
SENTENCE – I felt I was being an encumbrance to them.
VIBRANT – full of life and energy.
Sentence – She was sixteen, young and vibrant.
MOOT – not worth considering as it is not likely to happen.
Sentence – It’s a moot point whether men or women are better drivers.
CURB – to limit or control something.
Sentence – She put a curb on her spending
IELTS Vocabulary
IELTS Vocabulary