IELTS Vocabulary – Part 112

IELTS Vocabulary
IELTS Vocabulary

IELTS Vocabulary

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 112

And Counting: And the number just mentioned is increasing (or decreasing).

Sentence – Ten minutes and counting before the match begins!

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 112

And Change: And an additional amount of money that’s less than the next round number.

Sentence – This healthy lunch only cost me a few bucks and change.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 112

And His Mother: An intensifier for an inclusive noun or phrase such as everyone, everybody.

Sentence – I just wanted to have a small dinner party, and now you’ve invited everyone and his mother! What are we going to feed all these people?

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 112

And So Forth: Indicates that a list continues in a similar manner, etc.

Sentence – I find these parties dreadfully boring. Everyone only talks about how much money they make, how large their vacation homes are, and so forth.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 112

And So On: Indicates that a list continues in a similar manner, etc.

Sentence – Nothing much in the mail today, just some bills, advertisements, and so on.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 112

And The Like: And other similar items, etc.

Sentence – Whenever we go on a picnic, we take potato chips, hot dogs, soda pop, and the like.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 112

And Then Some: And even more than what has just been mentioned.

Sentence – You will have to train and then some if you want to make the basketball team—there are so many good players this year.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 112

Another Nail In One’s Coffin: Something that leads to someone’s death, literally or figuratively.

Sentence – If my parents find out that I failed my exam, it will be another nail in my coffin, and they may never let me go out again!

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 112

Answer Back: Respond impertinently; to talk back.

Sentence – I called them last week, but they haven’t answered me back yet.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 112

Ants in Your Pants: Restlessness.

Sentence – The kids really have ants in the pants today, so I’m going to take them to the playground.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 112

Any Port in a Storm: If you’re in trouble, you’ll turn to anything that improves the situation.

Sentence – I don’t really like Meg, but I had to ask her for help because she was the only one still in the office last night when my computer crashed. Any port in a storm, I guess.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 112

Any Tom, Dick or Harry: Any ordinary person.

Sentence – You don’t want just any Tom, Dick, and Harry coming to your performance, but then you don’t want to limit the amount of business you might bring in, either.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 112

Angel’s Advocate: Someone who takes a positive outlook on an idea or proposal.

Sentence – I know a lot of people oppose the building of a new railway, but let me play angel’s advocate for a second and tell you about all the ways it will improve our city!

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 112

Angle For: Aim toward something, try to obtain something, often indirectly or secretly.

Sentence – We’ve been angling for a contract with a major development company from the Middle East for the last few months.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 112

Apple of One’s Eye: A favorite person or thing, a person especially valued by someone.

Sentence – He has five kids, but his only daughter is clearly the apple of his eye.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 112

Apple of Someone’s Eye: The person that someone loves most of all and is very proud of.

Sentence – The second child, John, was the apple of his mother’s eye.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 112

Apples and Oranges: Of two different classes, not comparable.

Sentence – My mom and my mother-in-law are just apples and oranges and should not be left alone in the same room for too long.

IELTS Vocabulary - Part 112

Arm Candy: An attractive woman accompanying a powerful or famous man at a social event.

Sentence – Did you see the date she had with her at the movie premiere? I doubt they’re actually dating, but he was a nice piece of arm candy all the same.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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