IELTS writing Tips 2022

IELTS writing Tips 2022
IELTS writing Tips 2022

IELTS writing Tips 2022

Most of the students face difficulty in the writing module because they don’t able to complete both the tasks in one hour. Basically the problem is of Time management as many students are not able to divide their time in a proper way. If you are the one who is facing this similar problem and want to improve it you need some IELTS Writing tips which are given below.

1. Firstly you need to carefully analysis the questions before writing the answer. At the end of the day there is nothing worse than giving a brilliant answer to the wrong question.  You should plan your answer and check the demand of the question before start writing. Read your task more than once to understand the exact meaning behind the question. And try to ignore people who start writing very quickly if you start writing earlier it doesn’t mean you finish earlier and it definitely doesn’t mean that you are get higher scores.

2. If you set your goal of 7 or 8 band scores than don’t contradict yourself. You must present a clear position throughout your response. For example, if your question is about agree and disagree but you write the causes and solutions. In this case, your task response will be zero. Here, you should write about the reasons that why you agree or Disagree with the statement.

3. Also, You should develop your ideas. It is also one of the key requirements in task 2. Basically you should explain your ideas to the reader provide examples and supporting points to make these ideas very clear. You need to elaborate your idea very clearly. You should explain your idea with same way but need to change the structure. You should add the topic sentence. If you are not able to explain your idea effectively than try to add the example to give more clarification.

4. Make sure you write the clear conclusion. The conclusion itself is important because if your essay doesn’t have one you will be penalized. Your task response scores will go down and in case you are running out of time than shorten your body paragraph but try to write a good conclusion. Ideally a conclusion is where you summarize your main points and express your opinion if you are asked about your opinion and optionally give a recommendation or a forecast so you are suppose to write all these things at the end of the essay i.e. in the conclusion. If you miss the conclusion than the task response factor will suffer and your score will suffer. Furthermore, by the time we are finishing the essay we have forgotten that the question was and if you write a conclusion without rereading the task it may not answer the questions that you were asked and again you will lose your points. You should directly answer the topic question.

5. Try to use the formal language when you write your essay. Write your full grammatical range and you must avoid the shortcuts or the social media slang in your essay because, these things always deduct your band scores. The writing test is just to check your ability like how you explain your thoughts in written form. So always keep in mind that formal language is better to get the require band scores.

Thank you )


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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