Some Quick IELTS Tips

Quick IELTS Tips
Quick IELTS Tips

Some Quick IELTS Tips

Let’s discuss some quick tips and tricks to crack good score in IELTS Exams. You cannot achieve progress overnight. There is a saying that “slow and steady wins the race”. Which states that every day practice and learning will help you achieve good results. There are no shortcuts when is come toset a realistic goal for yourself and do not aim for shortcuts.

Detail Knowledge about the structure of the test:

You need to be fully aware of what is coming your way in terms of timing, types of tasks, breaks, expectations. Understand different question types. Once you know enough about the exam pattern decide you learning technique such as you want to prepare yourself at home or want to join an institute.

Set realistic goals but aim a bit higher:

It is not necessary that you score well for the first time, but you can become better next time. Practice makes perfect. Do mistakes. Understand the reasons for making mistakes to prevent yourself from doing them repeatedly.

Practice every day

Prioritized your time and make a study plan accordingly.It is highly advisable to focus on the Writing and Reading modules a bit more because they consequently will contribute to the other modules’ improvement.

Read more in English language:

Reading helps to increase your grasp on Language. Now question is what to read? Journals, articles, and newspapers, current affairs.Make it an everyday activity. This will not only increase your Reading skills but consequently, will also improve your vocabulary and grammar.Repeating words and using simple phrases will get you no extra points and in fact, could only bring you a negative score. When practicing the reading module at home, set yourself a timer. Do not be optimistic about the time, it runs faster during the exam. Excel in reading first, then you will automatically score higher in IELTS writing exam. The more you practice the better you will get.

Speak English at Home and with Friends:

Record yourself and listen to your own voice. If necessary, record yourself on video the camera doesn’t lie. While listening to this record, you will hear your own pronunciation errors and mistakes. Use this knowledge to improve. If you can, find a native speaker around you to practice.

Listen to podcasts & watch TV shows

There is plenty of TV shows in the original version with the English subtitles. Watch those shows with subtitles so that you can understand different types of slangs. Master it until you no longer need the subtitles. Once you can watch movies without subtitles, consider yourself ready.

Learn the exam approach

In all parts, it is highly recommended to skim through the whole text/exercise first and to highlight the words, which you believe the emphasis will be on. This will help you navigate towards the question-answer later and to subconsciously divide the text into parts. Use question keywords to find the answer. Write an outline for the written answers – and follow it every time. Structured writing gets more points on the written part.

Be attentive and read questions twice

It is a common practice, that an answer can be hidden in the question itself. Read instructions carefully and always look at the example. Do not disregard the sample questions and answers.

Answer exactly what is required

Not more, not less. Do not go off-topic, do not go over the limit. 2 or 3 points for your reasoning is just fine. Do not overdo it. Give just one answer, unless you are specifically requested to give multiple options.


Making mistakes is quite common as during exam we are under pressure to perform.So, whenever you have spare timeCheck your grammar, spelling, and handwriting. If your writing will be confusing it will be marked wrong by default. Your answer may be marked wrong if the structure of your answer is not grammatically correct as well. Less is more! If unsure, use short but precise answers.

Be yourself

Be yourself don’t pretend to use any fake accent or style. Wear decent comfortable clothes. The more relaxed and calm you are the more appealing conversationyouwill have with the IELTS.

Thank You 🙂


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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