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BEST Reading IELTS General Test 165

British Museum
A. The British Museum is host to a wealth of historical artefacts, representing the accomplishments of past civilisations. A Roman-era drinking cup would not, on the face of it, seem to be a contender to rival the museum’s more illustrious exhibits. After all, an ancient drinking chalice rarely excites the attention of all but the most dedicated history buff or expert.
B. However, the Lycurgus Cup, so-called due to the depiction of King Lycurgus on its outside, is not what it seems. Lit from in front, the relief depicted on the cup glows green. Backlit, the cup glows red. This light-induced colour change is all the more remarkable given the cup’s rather bland-looking exterior which holds no clue as to its concealed secret.
C. The unusual qualities of the Lycurgus Cup has piqued scientific curiosity since the 1950s when the cup’s puzzling colour-changing ability was first uncovered. Only in the 1990s was the secret of the cup revealed: inclusion of miniscule particles of gold and silver into the cup’s surface were found to effect the colour transformation. The particles themselves had been deliberately ground down into nanoparticles, each particle being 50 nanometres in diameter, or equivalent to one thousandth the size of a grain of salt! Moreover, the exact proportions of materials had been included in order to create the illusion of changing colour.
Reading IELTS General Test
D. It would seem, therefore, that nanotechnology can no longer be considered cutting-edge science. It is humbling to realise that Roman artisans living in 400 AD were putting nanotechnology to practical use when scientists today are still exploring this relatively ‘new’ field.
E. The illusion of the Lycurgus Cup can be explained by the effect of electrons within the metallic components of the chalice vibrating in response to being hit by light and emitting different colours. The colour actually perceived depends on where the viewer is stationed at the time.
F. It was engineer Gang Logan Liu, of the University of Illinois, who correctly suspected though, that in Roman times, the illusion was primarily effected not through change in lighting or observer position but by the addition of different liquids to the drinking cup. By adding a variety of liquids to a recreation of the cup interior, his original hunch was confirmed. As each liquid was added, a different colour was emitted from the mock-up version of the chalice.
G. Liu’s experiment most importantly may have a huge impact in the diagnoses of disease. Addition of fluids such as saliva and urine to nano-sized receptacles based on the original Lycurgus cup could reveal the presence of pathogens. Moreover, the same laboratory manufactured receptacles could detect the presence of biohazards at security checkpoints and hence thwart terrorist attacks.
Reading IELTS General Test
Questions 15-21
The text on the next page has seven sections, A-G.
Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number, i-x, in boxes 15-21 on your answer sheet.
List of Headings
i. Ahead of their time
ii. The role played by the observer
iii. Hidden potential
iv. A limited appeal
v. A scientific failing
vi. An amazing transformation
vii. No coincidence
viii. A rough science
ix. A hypothesis proven
x. An unforeseen consequence
Reading IELTS General Test
15. Section A
16. Section B
17. Section C
18. Section D
19. Section E
20. Section F
21. Section G
Reading IELTS General Test
Read the text below and answer Questions 22 – 28.
Leadership and its various forms
Leadership styles vary vastly, with very observable differences being seen not only between companies and institutes but also within such bodies. On a more global basis, these types of leadership styles are used to govern countries the world over. Whether one particular leadership style is more effective than another is dependent on whether the needs of a particular organisation or country are being met and those of the individuals who are subject to the authority or governing bodies concerned. In addition, as needs change, certain leadership styles may no longer be appropriate, necessitating the adoption of a new approach. Below the five main types of leadership styles are set out.
A laissez-faire leader does not directly supervise employees and does not set great store by regular feedback to those under his supervision. Whilst highly experienced and trained employees may thrive under this leadership style, those employees requiring supervision will tend to flounder when placed in this situation. The real downside to the laissez-faire approach is the lack of leadership and supervision that can result in an escalation of costs, poor production and lack of control.
Reading IELTS General Test
Epitomising this type of leadership style are the countries of Cuba and North Korea. Autocratic leadership denies the right of the individual to challenge the authority of the leader who imposes their will on those around him. It is deemed unacceptable to challenge the leader’s decisions. In a working environment, those who respond best to this kind of leadership are individuals requiring clear guidance and decisions made on their behalf. Those least suited to the autocratic leadership style are creative employees who require a considerable degree of autonomy.
Participative leadership is synonymous with the democratic leadership style. Unlike autocratic leadership style, the contribution of team members and peers is welcomed. The participative leader will, however, have the final say in any decision-making process. This style of leadership has the effect of boosting employee morale since employees are free to make contributions to the decision-making process, which in turn makes them feel valued by the company concerned. Since the leadership-employee role is more interactive than in other forms of leadership, changes within a company are more readily accepted by employees since they play a role in the process.
Reading IELTS General Test
This leadership style is highly result-oriented. Input from employees amounts to setting predetermined goals with team managers; employees then follow the direction and leadership of the manager to accomplish those goals. A system of rewards and punishments is set up by team managers to ensure tasks are satisfactorily completed.
Whilst this type of leadership is goal-oriented as with transactional style of leadership, transformational leaders play a more prominent role in the workplace, ensuring goals are attained by employees. Managers who adopt this type of leadership role maintain a high visibility and open communication with employees, acting as motivators and enhancing productivity to meet goals. Such managers will tend to delegate smaller tasks to the team to accomplish goals.
Questions 22-23
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer.
Sometimes it is debatable as to which leadership style is the most (22)………. since different styles meet different needs. When dynamics within a company change, then (23)…………. to leadership may be called for.
Reading IELTS General Test
Questions 24-28
Look at the following descriptions and the list of terms in the box below.
Match each description with the correct term, A-E.
List of Descriptions
24. A reciprocal relationship between the leader and employees is encouraged, to the benefit of all concerned.
25. A two-way relationship between the leader and employees is harshly discouraged.
26. Employees are constantly monitored and encouraged to realise goals in a positive way.
27. Employees receive positive or negative reinforcement on the basis of their performance.
28. Leaders are notably absent in the workplace, relying on worker autonomy to get the job done.
Reading IELTS General Test
List of Terms
A. Laissez-faire
B. Autocratic
C. Participative
D. Transactional
E. Transformational
Reading IELTS General Test

Reading IELTS General Test
15. iv
16. vi
17. vii
18. i
19. ii
20. ix
21. iii
Reading IELTS General Test
24. C
25. B
26. E
27. D
28. A
Reading IELTS General Test