TOURISM Vocabulary

TOURISM Vocabulary
TOURISM Vocabulary

TOURISM Vocabulary

TOURISM Vocabulary

Locomote – to move about

Sentence –  Children begin to locomote when they are six to seven months old.

TOURISM Vocabulary

Slither – to pass or move smoothly

Sentence – The snake slithered into the kitchen from the backyard.

TOURISM Vocabulary

Elapse – pass by

Sentence – Probably several weeks shall elapse before the treatment starts for Lisa’s condition.

TOURISM Vocabulary

Commute – a regular journey of some distance to and from your place

Sentence – It is very easy to commute to any place in Chandigarh.

TOURISM Vocabulary

Expedition – a journey organized for a particular purpose.

Sentence – The expedition by researchers to statistically assess damage due to the pandemic has already begun in several countries.

TOURISM Vocabulary

Motion sickness – the state of being dizzy because of travelling

Sentence – Throughout the journey she was suffering from motion sickness.

TOURISM Vocabulary

Sledge – a vehicle on runners pulled by horses or dogs for transportation.

Sentence – We used a neighbors sledge and horse to transport fire wood for the night in Alaska.

TOURISM Vocabulary

Tripper – a tourist who is visiting sights of interest.

Sentence –  It was a strange feeling when four o’clock arrived and the day trippers departed.

TOURISM Vocabulary

Swash – the movement or sound of water

Sentence – This paper obtains the mode of vibration of swash plate in an axial piston pump by finite element method, which is verified by experimental results. And on the basis, some discussions are carried out.

TOURISM Vocabulary

Travail – use of physical or mental energy

Sentence – With much bodily toil and mental travail he wrote the decree upon half a sheet of foolscap and then copy it upon the other.

TOURISM Vocabulary

Byway – a side road less travelled.

Sentence – Nevertheless, if the academic historians followed their by-way of scholarship, history remained the main constituent of the new social sciences.

TOURISM Vocabulary

Hand luggage – luggage that is light enough to be carried in hand

Sentence – I made one good decision: to wear the trainers on the plane, and carry the paperwork in my hand luggage.

TOURISM Vocabulary

Circumnavigate – sail or travel completely around especially by water

Sentence –  The navy was circumnavigating throughout the Island to find traces of the crashed helicopter.

TOURISM Vocabulary

Prance – move with high springy steps

Sentence – Then the figure flung its hands away from its face and began to prance wildly, waving its fists above its spiky hair.

TOURISM Vocabulary

Throughway – a broad highway designed for high speed traffic.

Sentence – They can be parked left or right, or have a split centre draw leaving a clear throughway.

TOURISM Vocabulary

Regional – related to or limited to a particular region.

Sentence – The regional parliament threw down a new challenge to the central authorities by passing a law allowing private ownership of businesses.

TOURISM Vocabulary

Boost – the act of giving hope or support to someone.

Sentence – The coach boosted the team players for their brilliant performance in the match.

TOURISM Vocabulary

Infrastructure – the basic structures or features of a system or organization.

Sentence – The infrastructure of Prime Minister’s office is built, keeping in mind all safety measures.

TOURISM Vocabulary

Stray – move about aimlessly or without any destination often in search of food or employment.

Sentence – The man was straying around the jungle for weeks before he found shelter.

TOURISM Vocabulary

Crawl – a very slow movement

Sentence – Colleagues today recall with humor how meetings would crawl into the early morning hours.

TOURISM Vocabulary

Sport fishing – the act of someone who fishes as a diversion.

Sentence – Sport fishing is very famous leisure activity near the village of Goa.

TOURISM Vocabulary

Heritage – Something transmitted by or acquired from a predecessor.

Sentence – India’s heritage is spoken of highly in history books of all across the world.

TOURISM Vocabulary

Floriculture – the cultivation of flowering plants

Sentence – All tourists were mesmerized by the floriculture displayed at the Rose Garden.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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