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BEST IELTS Writing Task 2, 31st November

Some people believe that unemployed people should be made to work for their welfare / benefit payments. Others, however, see this as cheap labor. Discuss the possible advantages and disadvantages of making unemployed people take any job. Do you believe that making unemployed people work is a good idea?
I do not believe that unemployed people should be given money for doing nothing. However, I accept that some people are unable to work through disabilities or ill health, in which case welfare payments are appropriate. Other than these exceptions, I see no reason why benefit claimants should not be made to work for their money like everyone else has to.
There are many advantages to working. It can help the long-term unemployed get back into the routine of work. It is very easy to get out of the habit of getting up early in the morning and working from ‘9 to 5’. There are self-esteem and confidence issues to consider.
Working provides people with a sense of purpose and self-worth. It is easy to become socially isolated if you are out of work, whereas working forces you to meet new people. You might find something that you like doing or even learn new skills. It also looks good on your CV if you have been working rather than doing nothing. I found permanent work after a period of voluntary work in a charity shop.
The disadvantages of being made to work centre on the type of work that is avail able. If you are a professional person then manual work may be unsuitable for you. To save money, some employers might use unemployed people to do work that should be done by an employee.
I think that making unemployed people do some work for their welfare payments is a good idea. However, the workers should have some choice in the work that they do and it needs to be organized properly so that the employers cannot exploit them.