A to Z IELTS Tips and Strategies


A to Z IELTS Tips and Strategies

In todays article we will discuss about IELTS tips and trick. We will discuss all small detailswhich needs to be taken care well to enhance your IELTS Score. Read the complete article to know about A-Z tips for cracking your IELTS exam.

A Is For “Ask”:

In IELTS speaking section the examiners ask you different kind of questions, if you were not able to listen to the question ask the examiner politely to repeat themselves because if you are not sure about the question you will give wrong answer and that will update your score.

B Is For “Brevity”:

Brevity means being brief. In IELTS speaking make sure you don’t answer question with brevity.  Remember the examiner wants to examine your speaking skill so don’t just answer in yes or no or short answer eg if an examiner asks you tell me something amount your house than don’t just say – I have a big house rather give a bit of a detailed answer like – my house infrastructure is very old and classy. All the walls have dull colors and some old paintings on it.

C Is For “Calculate”

The best approach to follow is to know what score do you desire to achieve and then calculate how many correct answers you need to achieve this band.

D Is For “Dyslexia”

People with learning disabilities and other educational challenges are called dyslexia.People with such issues will get some extra benefits such as extra time etc.Please note that you might have to give advanced warning about that to get these benefits

E Is For “Energy”

You need lots of energy The IELTS exam as its length exam and it will also require lots of concentration. In IELTS writing section you need to write a lot for 60 minutes and concentrate and focus on the writing as-well.So,bring a small snack that you can eat in between the exams. 

F Is For “Fresh”

Make sure you sleep well the night before the exam so, that you are fresh on the exam day. Make sure to be fresh for the exam, if at all possible. Try not to arrive with insufficient sleep or in a hurry. Therefore, plan how to arrive with a reasonable amount of time to spare and also that you will be able to be relaxed and ready for the exam.

G Is For “Grammar”

Grammar is the most important part of English language. Practice grammar rules and work hard to fix errors. Take help of professionals if required.

H Is For “Handwriting”

Having a good and a clear handwriting may be very important for the IELTS exam. Remember that if the examiner cannot read what you wrote, you might loose score even if your answer correct. So practice your handwriting.

I Is For “Ideas”

For the modules such as writing and speaking ideas are very important but that doesn’t mean you spend too much time thinking about those ideas. For sure, you need to answer the question correctly, however remember that the examiner is focused on your English knowledge, rather than what you know about nature, or whatever the question is about.

J Is For “Jot Down”

You will get 1 minute of the time to prepare for your speaking task 2 that is a cue card. Try to jot down some notes – try to make perhaps 15 bullet points.

K Is For “Kangaroo”

Sometimes a reminder of goal pushes you to work hard example If you are planning on moving to Australia, maybe you would hope to see a kangaroo. Perhaps you could try to print a photo, to remind yourself and others of your goal.

L Is For “Listening”

During the listening exam, try to read ahead for future questions, so that you can anticipate the types of answers that may be required.

M Is For “Manage”

Time management is very important in IELTS exam. For that you will need to think about how much time you can realistically invest in preparation for the exam.

N Is For “Never”

Try to never write under the amount of words required for the IELTS writing sections and also try to speak for 2 mins in Speaking section task 2.

O Is For “Options”

When you are answering the IELTS speaking and writing exams, you may have some options. Make sure to look.

P Is For “Practice”

Make sure that you do enough practice.

Q Is For “Questions”

Try to become familiar with the different types of questions that can be asked in the exam.

R Is For “Reading”

For the IELTS reading exam, try to think about strategies that may be useful. For instance, you can think about underlining key words in the text.Alos we can use strategies such as skimming and scanning.

S Is For “Speaking”

In the IELTS speaking, try to answer at a regular speed.

T Is For “Time”

The IELTS exam is very much about time. Make sure not to run out of it for the IELTS writing exam.

U Is For “Utilise”

Utilize all possible resources. For instance, maybe you could ask successful candidates about their advice for how to pass.

V Is For “Value”

Think about the “value” of words that you are using for the IELTS speaking and writing. For instance, “accurate” is going to be a higher level than “good”.

W Is For “Writing”

For the IELTS writing, try to make synonyms for the task question – that might take a few minutes. Using same word will impact your score.

X Is For “Xerox”

Be careful not to appear to be writing a “xerox” copy of a previously answered task– if the examiner thinks that you are using a template, you risk losing

Y Is For “Years”

Have a clear strategy for how you would improve and evaluate your progress regularly.

Z Is For “Zigzagging”

Careful not to be “zigzagging” in your speaking/writing answers – answer the question what is asked for. If the examiner has asked you about your fav food don’t change the topic to your hobbies.

Thank you 😊


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