General Vocabulary (Part – 14)

General Vocabulary

General Vocabulary

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Thanks to- as a result of/ because of; with the help of.

Sentence- The family sent a heartfelt message of thanks to everyone who helped.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

To watch someone’s back- to protect someone against danger from an unexpected situation.

Sentence-The police officer’s partner always watches his back. I am happy that you watched my back.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Turn down- reject an offer made by someone.

Sentence- We could turn down the heat some if that would make you more comfortable.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Thought-provoking- making someone think seriously about a particular subject or issue.

Sentence-There was a thought-provoking article about poverty in the paper.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

(To) take something into account- to consider particular facts before making a decision about something.

Sentence-If they took inflation into account, they actually spent less then.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Turn into = become- be transformed into.

Sentence- My beautiful evening gowns would turn into home-made minis.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Turn to- to go in a new direction to improve a situation.

 Sentence- Without someone to turn to for advice, making the most appropriate choice can be difficult.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Take special note of- to pay a special attention to something.

Sentence-And it was also done with genuine enthusiasm and sincerity. London take special note of that.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

To tell off- to speak or criticize someone angrily because he/she has done something wrong.

Sentence-The farmers used a special system of counting to tell off their sheep.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

(To) turn out- to be discovered to be something.

Sentence-I meant it to be an informal discussion, but it didn’t turn out as I intended.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

To keep abreast of-to have the most recent and important information about something.

Sentence- It’s important to keep abreast of the latest developments in computers.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Unspecified- not mentioned or stated exactly or clearly.

Sentence- The meeting will take place at an unspecified date in the future.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Understandable- to be easy to understand or comprehend (seems normal and reasonable in a particular situation).

Sentence-Under certain conditions, conformity thus assumes an understandable significance.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Understandable- to be easy to understand or comprehend (seems normal and reasonable in a particular situation).

Sentence-Under certain conditions, conformity thus assumes an understandable significance.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Unfamiliar- not familiar, unknown or not recognized.

Sentence- We’re unfamiliar to the geography of New England.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Unglamorous-not attractive or exciting.

Sentence-Unglamorous, usually unexciting and normally invisible , the world’s financial plumbing is gummed up.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Unfamiliarity- the fact of lacking knowledge or experience of

something; not familiar.

Sentence- I’ve not heard that for quite a while and its unfamiliarity makes it sound strange.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Unexpected- surprising; not expected.

Sentence-The experiment produced some unexpected results.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Unnecessary- not necessary; needless; unessential.

Sentence- We should trim off the unnecessary parts of our spending.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Unreasonable- something that is not reasonable; beyond what can be accepted.

Sentence-This clause in the contract was held unreasonable.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Universal- involving all people or things in the world).

Sentence- Perhaps it is the almost universal use of flavourings that makes it so hard to tell the products apart.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Unquestionable- not able to be doubted; obvious and undeniable.

Sentence-We give and receive unquestionable trust.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Update – up to date-to make something more modern.

Sentence- Could you update me on how the work is progressing?

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Unthinkable-unimaginable (impossible to imagine or accept).

Sentence- It is unthinkable that we shall allow a nuclear holocaust to occur.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Unscrupulous- dishonest, unfair and without moral principles.

Sentence- It’s an unscrupulous way of exploitative discounting.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Vast- very big/ extremely large.

Sentence-A vast audience watched the broadcast.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Vitally important- very important.

Sentence- Histone is vitally important for survival.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Viewpoint- point of view; opinion.

Sentence-She will have her own viewpoint on the matter.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Various- different, a variety of, many types of.

Sentence- The gallery hosts various exhibitions and a permanent collection.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Vivid-producing very strong and clear memories in your mind.

Sentence-The changing vivid colours of the sunset fascinated the eye.

General Vocabulary (Part - 14)

Venerable-someone or something that deserves respect.

Sentence-The battle was the venerable one of pure, formalist art versus art with a social function.


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