Why IELTS Exam is Difficult?

Why IELTS Exam is Difficult
Why IELTS Exam is Difficult

Why IELTS Exam is Difficult?

There is no doubt that IELTS exam is a hard nut to crack. This test is designed in such a way that the actual and accurate language level of a candidate can be judged. There are certain factors which make this test difficult which will be discussed in this article Why IELTS Exam is Difficult? and its remedial measures will also be explained.

Cause 1: The test of listening is of 30 minutes long and individuals find it hard to concentrate and focus on a second language for 30 minutes without a break.

Remedial measure: Before taking the test try several full listening tests for the preparation for test day so you are already used to this length of time.

Cause 2: Applicants often complain that they cannot think of a good idea to speak in the speaking test or write in the IELTS essay.

Remedy: Relax; you are not graded on how interesting or original your answer is. That is not essential. The important thing is that you express yourself clearly and accurately throughout.

For generating ideas, you should regularly read informative newspapers and watch documentaries to provide you with ideas of what to talk about.

Cause 3: Some test takers say they never have enough time to finish their writing tasks on time.

Solution: The IELTS test follows the same format every time. This is a big bonus that you should know how long to spend on each part of the writing test as well as paragraphs of the test; furthermore, you need to develop a routine you can follow for each question type.

Cause 4: There are numerous arduous words in the reading section.

Solution: You should enter the test knowing that you will not understand all of the words in the paper. When you come across them you simply guess what they might mean from what is written before and after the word. Reading is one of the best ways to enhance vocabulary.

Cause 5: Nervousness is a big one as it make really hard for test takers.

Solution: If you prepare properly, well in advance of the test, know the style, format of the question along with you do a full practice test under times conditions you will be far less nervous.

Do all of these things together and you should feel much more positive about the test and it will seem less difficult too!

Problem 6: The speakers speak too fast in the listening test and you hear them speak only once.

Solution: Understand, that you will probably not understand, or even hear every word 100%, when you realize that this is normal, then it should not alarm you as much. Nevertheless, you do have to use some strategies to make it through the test. Thus, before attempting the test you should be warmed up listening skills by practicing hard. Do remember that you will hear question answers in the order that they appear on the paper so be prepared.

Problem 7: Part 2 of the speaking test is difficult as you have to speak on your own about a random topic you are provided with. It can be hard to come up with ideas and speak about those bullet points.

Solution: Two things, firstly you do not have to stick strictly to those bullet points you can talk about anything else that is related in some way to the bullet points so don’t worry about going off topic. However, going ‘off topic’ is only a problem in the writing section but in speaking part 2 it is not so preferred.

Some really good strategies to help you speak for the full two minutes are to try and tell a related story to the bullet points. Secondly, talking about real life experiences and examples related to the bullet points is awesome. This will be helpful for you to show off your vocabulary as you will be able to explain in detail what you are talking about.

Thirdly,  another effective method is to use your senses, whatever you are asked to talk about you should draw in your sense of sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing.

Problem 8: You are not aware of what you are doing wrong! Many candidates have to redo the test again because they do not know what the problem is with their work.

Solution: You really need to get a tutor with experience to check your work, or even better get an IELTS examiner to tell you exactly what you are doing wrong and how to fix it. If you do not know any IELTS teachers personally then I highly recommend using this team of examiners here who on average increase a candidates band score by up to 1.5 bands just through using their feedback and advice, definitely check it out!

Problem 9: The attitude of people that IELTS exam is too difficult. There are some people who simply think that IELTS is some kind of evil magic spell that can never be undone when really nothing can be further from the truth.

Solution: Change your attitude. By being optimistic and proactive in your preparation, you can beat this over.

First, you need to realize that you have the power to change your band score. Do some practice tests, get feedback on them from proper IELTS teachers/examiners, fix your mistakes and try again. This process works so stick to it and you will get there!

Thank You 🙂

Why IELTS Exam is Difficult?


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task

Why IELTS Exam is Difficult?

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