Wear a Mask in IELTS Speaking Exam
Will Using a Mask Affect Your Speaking Test?
In this Corona period our life style has changed a lot even our attire as mask has become an essential part of our dressing. Without mask we don’t go anywhere even in exams we have to wear it. Now the question here arises whether wearing mask will affect my IELTS speaking score?. For this my answer is NO your scores will not be affected because of mask. As it is mandatory and good to cover your nose and mouth as a precautionary measure and everybody in the examination hall will be wearing a face mask. Even the speaking examiner will also be wearing it. However, in the center you will be requested to temporarily remove your mask for security checks.
Can wearing a mask affect my IELTS speaking score?
The IELTS examiners are trained language experts are able to distinguish subtleties of the English language and linguistic features necessary for effective communication, even when you wear a mask. Moreover, the examiner can understand your muffled sound which comes while wearing a mask. The scores of IELTS speaking depend upon coherent response, ensuring that ideas and arguments relate to the given topic in a related manner.
There are some special tips for you:
1: Pronunciation: Make sure that you speak clear and don’t commit any mistake in Pronunciation. You should slow your speed of speaking and be expressive. Use hand gestures and show your emotions in your voice.
2: Fluency, coherence and be confident– In speaking you should be confident enough to answer any question of the examiner. If you will be confident your fluency will automatically improve. Decline in fluency will affect your scores. Use fillers as it will give you some time to think and your fluency will not drop.
3: Vocabulary and Grammar: You should avoid repetitions in speaking for this learn ample of vocabulary and synonyms. Grammar part is also necessary for speaking so keep an eye on your grammar.
4: Elaboration: Try to elaborate the answer don’t say only YES or NO for any question. The answers in part 1 should be in 2-3 sentences, in part 2 you should speak for minimum 2 minutes and for the follow ups the answer should be in 4-5 sentences.
With Best Wishes!
Thank You @~