Vocabulary for IELTS – Part 93

Vocabulary for IELTS
Vocabulary for IELTS

Vocabulary for IELTS

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 93

Anachronism –someone or something that belongs in another place in time

Sentence – Everything seemed normal except for the anachronism of the man riding a horse down the street. One country colonizing another country is an anachronism in today’s global environment.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 93

Antecedent – something that precedes another thing, especially the cause of the second thing

Sentence – When the antecedent is a collective noun, the choice of the number forms of the pronoun and corresponding determiner depends on the meaning of the collective noun in the context.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 93

Debacle –a terrible failure

Sentence – Although it was more than 75 years ago, this debacle still has an important lesson to teach researchers today.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 93

Exonerate – to absolve from blame, to prove innocent

Sentence – The chances are that he will see his inconsistency and revise his moral views, either exonerating Smith or condemning himself.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 93

Lucid –clear, clear headed

Sentence – He read it carefully, the lucid language and poetry of argument clearing and settling his mind. Darkness fell.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 93

Pernicious –harmful, deadly

Sentence – The current concentration of ownership of media has had a pernicious effect on democracy in the US.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 93

Wily – sly, clever, cunning (usually deceitfully).

Sentence – But Rose knew that wily Grandpa had quietly saved enough cloth to make a few high quality, black market clothes.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 93

Fickle – changing frequently.

Sentence – Many have fickle requirements and others lie dormant until very precise conditions happen to come along.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 93

Lucrative – producing a great deal of profit

Sentence – She advised us to look abroad for more lucrative business ventures.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 93

Moot – subject to debate, unsettled.

Sentence – Students are also encouraged to take part in an international moot court competition.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 93

Opulence – wealth and luxury

Sentence – Pinot Blanc develops a characteristic roundness and opulence. Rich, full-bodied and with a long finish, its complex aroma is reminiscent of woodland and is sometimes slightly smoky.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 93

Spry – active; lively

Sentence – Business areas: sealing and waterproofing products and systems. Innovative technologies. Unique spry – on sealing systems.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 93

Tentative -not certain or fixed

Sentence – However, we can draw some tentative conclusions if we assume that a politically acceptable proposal would try to create a relatively level playing field.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 93

Wary – cautious; leery

Sentence – The CIA was extremely wary of interfering with the foreign Press; in the past, such interference had rebonded.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 93

Disparity –a state of inequality, a great difference

Sentence – In recent decades, economic disparity and environmental destruction have become ever more pronounced.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 93

Facilitate –to make easier

Sentence – They want me to facilitate their efforts; to help them execute their marketing plans and personal growth objectives.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 93

Fraudulent –dishonest, deceptive

Sentence – Fraudulent acts would be tried as misdemeanours and punished by up to two years in prison with or without hard labour.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 93

Ludicrous –laughable.

Sentence – There is something delightfully and liberatingly ludicrous about parading higgledy – piggledy in a line of walkers of all shapes and sizes.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 93

Opportunist – a person who pursues and exploits any kind of opportunity without being guided by principles, plans or any ethical considerations

Sentence – Beware of an opportunist rag trade beginning to sell you recycled clothing under the guise of social awareness.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 93

Shirk –avoid, ignore or neglect responsibility

Sentence – Because shareholders cannot tell how hard managers are exerting themselves on their behalf, managers have an incentive to shirk.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 93

Spite – a desire to hurt, annoy, vengeance

Sentence – Shortly after Max and Mary broke up, Mary scratched Max’s car out of spite.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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