Vocabulary for IELTS – Part 5

Vocabulary for IELTS

Vocabulary for IELTS

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 5

Gridlock: a situation of very severe traffic congestion.

Sentence – If gridlock was a hallmark of the Legislature during this era, so was corruption.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 5

Plummet: all or drop straight down at high speed.

Sentence – This has caused confidence to plummet in recent months after a decade – long boom in commercial property.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 5

Plea: a request made in an urgent and emotional manner; appeal; petition.

Sentence – The district court ruled that Popper’s silence in court today should be entered as a plea of not guilty.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 5

Herculean: requiring great strength or effort; arduous.

Sentence – His reputedly Herculean virility long remained a byword throughout the district over which he held sway.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 5

Pernicious: having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.

Sentence – It has long been known that pernicious anaemia predisposes to development of gastric adenocarcinoma.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 5

Bygone: belonging to an earlier time; former; past; earlier.

Sentence – In a bygone era the postmen and staff of Frensham Post Office lined up for this photo call.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 5

Denizens: a person, animal, or plant that lives or is found in a particular place inhabitant; resident.

Sentence – Leisure World denizens drive them around golf courses, students around campus.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 5

Heedless: showing a reckless lack of care or attention.

Sentence – Morel was rather a heedless man, careless of danger. So he had endless accidents.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 5

Hassle: irritating inconvenience.

Sentence – It was such a hassle trying to get my bank account changed that I nearly gave up.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 5

Morrow: the following day.

Sentence – Why not stay here tonight and on the morrow I will have someone take you over to Briar Cottage with a wagon?

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 5

Captive: a person who has been taken prisoner or an animal that has been confined.

Sentence – The most popular activities include fund management, asset financing, captive insurance and treasury management.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 5

Expeditious: done with speed and efficiency.

Sentence – Ten days passed from the court’s acceptance of the case to its resolution, expeditious remedy much appreciated by the American plaintiff.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 5

Swathes of land: a long, wide strap of land

Sentence – The fire had destroyed huge swathes of land.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 5

Substantial: of considerable importance, size, or worth.

Sentence – Workers in big firms receive a substantial part of their pay in the form of bonuses and overtime.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 5

Agony: extreme physical or mental suffering; pain.

Sentence – There I was writhing in agony on the floor and you lot were pissing yourselves laughing!

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 5

Refugee group: people who have been forced to flee their home country because of war, persecution, or violence.

Sentence – Refugee groups are coming to the United States to escape violence in their native countries.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 5

Increased movement: the act or process of moving.

Sentence – The increased movement of immigrants from Mexico is due to conflict in the Mexican government.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 5

Public opinion: the predominant attitude of a community: the collective will of the people

Sentence – The public opinion suggests that immigrants are acceptable as long as they enter the country legally.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 5

Middle-income countries: one of the countries of the world that is neither very rich nor very poor.

Sentence – Middle-Income countries struggle with benefits of the rich countries and downfalls of the poor countries.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 5

Multicultural society: including people who have many different customs and beliefs.

Sentence – A multicultural society in America is what the country was based on, which is why immigrants should be welcome.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 5

Global situation: A global view or vision of a situation is one in which all the different aspects of it are considered.

Sentence – The global situation involves western countries not giving enough support while developing countries not progressing enough.

Vocabulary for IELTS - Part 5

International community: countries of the world considered or acting together as a group.

Sentence – The international community needs to come together as one in order to solve our problems.


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