Vocabulary for IELTS

Gratuity – a small amount of money for someone who has provided you with a service, in addition to the official amount and for their personal use.
Sentence – Fundraisers will not accept any gratuity when making decisions on behalf of the organization.

Disadvantaged – not having the standard of living conditions, education, etc. that most people have.
Sentence – Further evidence of the disadvantaged position of older women in relation to men can be gained from information on the distribution of income.

Abundant – more than enough.
Sentence – He just wanted people to stop calling him disadvantaged, an underachiever.

To misconceive – to understand something incorrectly, or to think that something is different to the way it really is.
Sentence – Unless the opinion is totally misconceived, an applicant should not be prejudiced merely because it was wrong.

Denims – a thick, strong cotton cloth, often blue in colour, used especially for making jeans.
Sentence – You will be working with Denims and jersey fabric and being organic you MUST have a interest or follow ethical and ecological views which will be reflected on our garments.

Connect – to join or be joined with something else.
Sentence – The canal was built to connect Sheffield with the Humber estuary.

Ecstasy – a state of extreme happiness, especially when feeling pleasure
Sentence – Three thousand tabs of Ecstasy were handed over for a thick wad of notes.

Magistrate – justice of the peace.
Sentence – Local people demanded that the District Magistrate apprehend the miscreants.

Eager – wanting very much to do or have something, especially something interesting or enjoyable.
Sentence – The President is eager to avoid a head-on clash with Congress over his health policies.

Wise – having or showing the ability to make good judgments, based on a deep understanding and experience of life.
Sentence – Riches serve a wise man but command a fool.

Crusade – a long and determined attempt to achieve something that you believe in strongly.
Sentence – They thought that he would launch a crusade against corruption and make heads roll before ordering elections.

To establish – to start a company or organization that will continue for a long time.
Sentence – They are still struggling to establish their identity as a political party.

Vicious – Vicious people or actions show an intention or wish to hurt someone or something very badly.
Sentence – He was a cruel and vicious man.

Interplay – the effect that two or more things have on each other.
Sentence – Particular attention will be paid to the interplay of arguments dealing with equity, economic efficiency and different legal systems.

To desert – to abandon.
Sentence – The paper’s price rise will encourage readers to desert in even greater numbers.

Oblique – having a sloping direction, angle, or position.
Sentence – She made several oblique references to the current financial situation.

To accomplish – to finish something successfully or to achieve something.
Sentence – We are determined to accomplish the great cause of unification of the motherland.

Hashish – a drug, illegal in many countries, made from the cannabis plant and usually smoked.
Sentence – The police say they haven’t the time or resources to worry about hashish.

To close – to (cause something to) change from being open to not being open.
Sentence – A wise head makes a close mouth.

Mischievous – behaving in a way, or describing behaviour, that is slightly bad but is not intended to cause serious harm or damage.
Sentence – The mischievous student has been disobedient to his mother since he was a child.