Vocabulary for Health and Sports

Vocabulary for Health

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

to stem from = to come or derive from, often used for negative things  

Sentence- New chairman Robert Corbett says most of the losses seem to stem from incompetent grain trading.

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

sedentary lifestyle = a lifestyle where people sit for long periods and are generally inactive

Sentence- A sedentary lifestyle also spells bad news for hips and thighs: increase your circulation by taking more exercise .

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

obesity = the medical condition of being seriously overweight

Sentence- Obesity is a problem for many people in western countries.

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

inadequate development = insufficient or obstructed growth of the body

Sentence- If children smoke, this can cause inadequate development of their lungs and brains.

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

strain = stress or overwork, physical or mental

Sentence- Relations with neighbouring countries are under strain at present.

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

symptoms = indications that a medical problem is present

 Sentence- The doctor mistook the symptoms for blood poisoning.

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

poor diet = a lifestyle diet without sufficient nutrients

Sentence- Poor diet can lead to a whole range of diseases in later life .

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

convenience food = food which is cooked in its packaging, usually in a microwave

Sentence- The process technology of convenience food made of embryonated egg are researched in this paper.

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

addiction = the state of being unable to live without something

Sentence- Gambling can all too easily become an addiction .

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

to socialise = to meet with friends and other people in a friendly way.

Sentence- They work for the same company, socialise together and worship in the same mosque.

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

interpersonal skills = the skills of dealing with people successfully

Sentence- A student can learn much about interpersonal skills through observation of more experienced staff

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

to underperform = to perform below your peers or expectations

Sentence- Industrial stocks generally underperformed the market, and many cyclical stocks posted negative returns.

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

active lifestyle = a lifestyle with proper exercise and fitness

Sentence- In all ages prior to our modern scientific age, people had a more physical and active lifestyle.

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

a regime, a programme = a planned system of exercise, diet or sport

 Sentence- But under a regime of monogamy there are limits.

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

to detoxify your body = to remove impurities and poisons

Sentence- I went to a clinic to detoxify because I was eating too much fatty food.

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

sponsorship= payment from a company to a sport or other activity in return for publicity

Sentence- The festival is heavily dependent on sponsorship for its success.

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

participation = to participate in something = to join and take part in it

Sentence- Their participation is subject to a number of important provisos.

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

competitive = the adjective of ‘competition’

Sentence- The rag trade is extremely competitive, and one needs plenty of contacts in order to survive.

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

ameliorating the physical effects = to ameliorate = to make a problem less damaging

Sentence- The effects of his injury were ameliorated by extensive physiotherapy.

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

remedies = cures or answers to a problem or situation

Sentence- The Act created rights and remedies for consumers.

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

an initiative = a new programme or idea, usually in government or business

Sentence- The research initiative is being undertaken by a group of environmentalists.

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

raise awareness = to make people more aware of or caring about an issue.

Sentence- Standing To raise awareness, understanding and esteem of the profession and to promote a positive image.

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

health warnings = notices on cigarette or alcohol packaging warning about the medical effects

Sentence- California has required health warnings on all alcoholic beverages and in all premises that sell alcohol.

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

champions = highly successful people in sport or business.

Sentence- The champions were completely smashed in the final.

Vocabulary for Health and Sports

figureheads = people who represent part of society, officially or unofficially .

Sentence- The singer Adele is a figurehead for many young women these days.


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