Is it Possible to Get Band 9 in IELTS Listening Test

Is it Possible to Get Band 9 in IELTS Listening Test
Getting a good score in IELTS is what every candidate aspires for. Out of all four sections of the test, IELTS Listening is always very challenging for the candidates. But, it is easy to get band 9 in it. Here we have explained how it can be possible for the candidates to get the score they want.
Preparation before the test
Improving listening skills shall be the top priority. The goal of the test is to assess how good a candidate is in listening and comprehending. Of course, for the purpose of improving listening skills, one can focus on practice tests but those practice tests will not be enough. It is important to look for various other general resources for the listening material. Listening to the radio, document programs, speeches, or TV shows can help improve English listening skills.
Never lose attention
Attention is a key factor for success in IELTS listening.
You will have to listen to the recordings with all rapt attention. Even small distractions of any kind can decrease the score. But, in case, you have missed listening to some important information then it makes sense to leave the answer blank and focus on what is to come next. Otherwise, you will miss answering the questions which follow.
Improving topic vocabulary
It is time to polish your vocabulary if it is really not good. Section 3 of the test is always about education. For instance, a tutor and a student or a group of students may discuss assignments. It makes sense to learn all the vocabulary related to education. It will help you understand this section well.
Understanding the situation
Try to listen carefully and get complete idea of the situation. Before each part of the test, there will be a short introduction. For example, “Now, you will hear a dialogue between………” “Now, you will listen to a lecture on………….” If you listen closely to this introduction you will know what is going to come for you, what the situation will be.
Word types
Be smart enough to decide which types of words are needed to fill in the gaps. Whether it shall be a noun or an adjective. Whether it shall be a verb or a small phrase. Often, you will have to make use of different forms of the words for the answers.
Focus on word indicators
Watch out for word indicators. For example, finally, but then, however, therefore, perhaps, thus etc. These words will help you anticipate what the speakers may say.
Practice, practice, practice
It’s also important to get enough practice. Activities to hone your listening skills include timed practice tests, flashcards, etc. It’s useful to do these regularly so that you train your body and mind to endure the three hours of concentration required for Test Day.
You can also develop your listening skills by having English language podcasts or radio playing the background at home while you are relaxing. Transcribing short sections of text and then comparing it against the original transcript may help you to identify connected speech and raise your awareness of grammar.
Practice Active Listening Skills
Some people have an innate sense of what is going on when they listen to a conversation or watch an interaction. Even if their language skills are not that strong, they can work out the situation by the tone of voice and the interactions between the speakers. This can come in handy when dealing with distractors.
Distractors are alternative answer options that are mentioned but then discounted. For example, if the answer is a number, the speakers might mention several numbers but only one will be correct. Answers are often not directly stated but can be worked out by the interaction.
It might be helpful, for example, to listen out for future tense “will” in Parts 1 and 3 of the test, as that is the tense we frequently use when we make a decision or an offer, such as “I will do that then.”