Tips to Score 7+ in IELTS Writing Task 2

Tips to Score 7+ in IELTS Writing Task 2
Tips to Score 7+ in IELTS Writing Task 2

Tips to Score 7+ in IELTS Writing Task 2

In IELTS Writing test there are two tasks which have to be performed in 60 minutes. Writing task 1 is different for general and academic students but task 2 is same for both test types. 

Task 2 for both test types is an essay, with the minimum word limit of 250 words. It is recommended to focus on this task more as it have more impact on the final sores and devote 40 minutes on essay. To know about task 1 click here.

So, this was the overview of the IELTS writing test which seems to be easy, but many aspirants find difficulty to reach their desired band scores in spite of practice they don’t improve their scores for those here are Essential Tips to score 7+ in IELTS Writing Task 2.

There are 5 main types of essay questions in IELTS  writing task 2 

1. opinion essays

2. discussion essay

3. advantage/disadvantage essays

4. solution essay

5. direct question essays. 

You can face anyone of the above said essay type but for all of them the tips are same 

Tips for essay writing

– Your word limit should not be less than 250 words.

– When you get the question paper you should first identify the type of essay you are suppose to write.

– Than devote at least 5 minutes on planning your essay before you start writing.

– Note down your main and supporting points, and organize your paragraphs while you are planning. This will help you to maintain your speed during writing.

– Your handwriting should be neat and clean. Your essay should be clear and correct so that your massage can be conveyed properly, don’t use slangs. Use good vocabulary and different sentence structures and most importantly stay on topic.

Follow the IELTS essay structure:

1. Introduction is the first paragraph of the essay which is used to introduce the  topic and give some background facts about it and thesis statement is also written in it which help to  tell readers what you are going to write about.

2. 2-3 Body paragraphs in this section you should present your main points and supporting points and divide them between the paragraphs which mean you should write one point in one paragraph.

4. Conclusion paragraph is the end of the essay in which you should wind your content with a conclusion phrase, restating your thesis statement, and giving some ideas, hopes, fears etc. for future about the topic.

General tips

– Don’t write too long or too little!

You must write 250 words in task 2, or you will lose points. But if you write too long than also you can be penalized as the examiner gives you scores for quality not quantity.

 – Plan, brainstorm, and check your answers

Use some time in the beginning to brainstorm and plan your answer, and some time at the end for proof reading in which you can check your test for grammar and spelling mistakes.

– Read all the instructions and questions carefully!

It is very important to read the question carefully so that you can identify the question type and start accordingly.

– Use different kinds of sentence structures, and wide range of vocabulary

This is your chance to show the examiners your best English language skills, so be prepared to use rich and accurate language and grammar.

Keep an eye on the time!

You must plan well and write fast. An hour goes by very quickly.

Besides, you should write in clean handwriting so that examiner can understand your content in first sight and don’t have to read for second time.

With Best Wishes!

Thank You @~~

Tips to Score 7+ in IELTS Writing Task 2


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