As we know, there are total 40 questions in reading test whether it is general or academic. However, there are some differences in marking criteria and length of the content, but the strategies are almost similar, because question types are same.

One of the most difficult problem is that applicants have to read lengthy content, worse is to find the correct answers with in an hour. Apart from it, having a slow speed of reading the content, limited range of vocabulary as well as grammar, unfamiliarity with skimming- scanning plus other strategies. While there is no need to panic, as all such hurdles can be sorted out by practicing more and more. In this article, we will discuss some methodologies to improve IELTS Reading scores.

Learn the skimming-scanning technique: – as we know, it is arduous to read and understand the 2500-2800 words in 60 minutes plus to find the correct answers by locating the appropriate locations. That is why, try to scan the content with your eyes in fast manner, along with you can underline the main keywords, that will help you to find the answers, such as dates, name of any particular person, connectors whether these are contradictory or presenting an additional information and so on. Moreover, there is no need to understand the content in depth, just need to focus on the righteous data, that is needed.

Role of Vocabulary it is the reality that there are a lot of heavy and unfamiliar words in reading, that are difficult to understand in spite of doing enough practice or remembering the meanings. Ergo, if you do not know the exact meaning of any word then try to comprehend the meaning from the neighboring words, which can be synonyms, antonyms, definitions or explanations of that words.

Observation is necessary: before starting the reading, observation of the content is quite essential, as the way, in which text is organized. It can be seen in real life that title as well as sub titles are good indicators, that need to focus. Apart from it, pictures, diagrams, tables etc. are also helpful to find the demand of the question. Firstly, look for the key or topic sentence in each paragraph, try to decode the meaning of the paragraph titles.

Guidance is necessary – for scoring 9 out of 9, a good supervision is must, which can be procured form an official trainer, normally a good understanding of the content is required for solving the test appropriately. But as there are 13-14 types of questions, which applicants have to solve in examination, so try to learn the way to each and every type of question. For example, the way of solving the true/ false is completely different from heading paragraph. Do not waste your precious time. If you learn the all ins and outs properly then you will be able to save your precious time.

Role of Grammar– having a good knowledge about grammar like adjectives, noun, pronoun, prepositions rules are also fruitful not only in reading but also in rest of the modules. For avoiding such difficulties, acquire the basic rules of grammar. For example, it is very common thing, “to” is followed by first form of verb while “for” is followed by first form of verb plus ing. But sometimes, students find the word and put in the blanks without seeing the previous and coming word, which further leads to wrong answer despite finding the correct one. Moreover, this will help you to apprehend the content in a right manner such as usage of modal verbs for particular situations.


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20th February, IELTS Daily Task
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